Climate change - any premies care?
Posted by:
13 ®

05/19/2007, 01:38:21
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Evidence is growing of man-induced climate change. For the sceptics, I have added a link to New Scientist's attempt at climate change myth-busting.

I know many premies who pay lip-serice to green issues. I wonder how long they can try to justify their jetting about the planet to see their Lord? If Mr Rawat is not the Lord ( and can therefore reverse any damage he does to the planet, or can justify it as His divine game ), if he is just an inspirational speaker, then how much evidence of climate change is needed before he permanently parks his private jet, apologises for his huge contribution to the mess, and conducts his business in an environmentally aware manner?

You'd think with all those years of preening their consciousness, premies and their master would be keenly aware of the consequences of their actions.

Related link: New scientist - climate change myths
Modified by 13 at Sat, May 19, 2007, 03:00:19

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Re: Climate change - any premies care?
Re: Climate change - any premies care? -- 13 Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nik ®

05/19/2007, 03:02:44
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>You'd think with all those years of preening their consciousness, premies and their master would be keenly aware of the consequences of their actions.<

But with decades of practice in dredging up 'get out' clauses for their 'special situation' I doubt many would experience anything other than a moment of anxiety before something like the following kicks in:

Maharaji's work is to bring about world peace - when people have Maharaji's Knowledge they will realise they have to take care of the planet. Maharaji has to travel to spread his Knowledge, Maharaji can't be everywhere so those who appreciate his peace must help Maharaji by travelling to see him. In the end bringing Knowledge to people will help problems like global warming.

It's this kind of self serving delusion that sees premies giving themselves permision to hide their hypocrisy when  recruiting at 'green events' like this -


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Premies have a "divine exception"...
Re: Climate change - any premies care? -- 13 Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

05/19/2007, 09:51:38
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It's always been that way.  It's always interesting to hear their responses to comments about Rawat's enormous enviormental-footprint.  In addition to his private jet, I shutter to think about the amount of electricity his Malibu residence uses just for air conditioning.

Here's the blurb about the Kingston Green Fair in the "healing field" (which ties into the psychic reading below):

Monday 28th May  11 am - 8pm

Kingston Green Fair - 20th Anniversary Event

Present materials and information about Maharaji as part of this thriving event

Organic foods, Drama, Music, Sufi dancers, find inner peace in the healing field.

Canbury Gardens, Riverside, Kingston Upon Thames

Train to:  Kingston BR

If you would like to help contact Elena Lonardo 07973 522 878

or just come along


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Re: Climate change - any premies care?
Re: Climate change - any premies care? -- 13 Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
jdalnes ®

06/06/2007, 14:37:28
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I hate to blow your bubble but the earth was warmer in 1100 AD.  There is very little scientific evidence that carbon is responsible for global warming, aside from being very messy.  I agree we should limit carbon emissions, but mostly for air pollution reasons . Check out this web site 

about our current Holocene Epoch post Ice Age era.

when journalism replaces science everyone suffers

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