Yes, Happy Good Friday to all.
I must admit to being a bit schmaltzy about this stuff, but I guess I am just sentimental by nature, and don't particularly apologise for this.
This is the time when I remember how I was sometimes too judgemental to people over the last year - jumping to wrong conclusions too quickly, or misinterpreting them, not allowing for the vast opportunities in the human situation for the same, when I am a person who should possibly be better equipped than most to make allowances.
My basic attitude is to attempt to be loving and understanding to others. I get it wrong sometimes.
Actually, in writing this, I feel a bit of umbrage for those silly assholes I am talking of who didn't have the perspicacity and sense to realise what was going on at the various times.
So, while love is the basically right attitude, I think we all owe it a duty to others to grow up too, and try to get it right or sensible.
Happy Easter to all,
Purrfect thoughts to you and everyone!
Which in your gentle but accurate and no doubt, often uninentional way, I understand, shows me where more growth is needed in my own awareness.
Only recently I compared EV to a cat prowling. Having "meditated" for some minutes I see how this wonderful image is as fair an example of the mysterious life and consciousness of the universe, as any mandala I could choose, (if I still so chose).
A lovely kitten, and a noble breed, with a right to prowl. On deeper thought once again I am caught denigrating creatures by comparing them with a most ignoble organization.
Apologies here are probably due other overlooked life forms or seeing eyes of consciousness where ever they may be doing their knowing; that in my inability to comprehend I might have failed to notice in the past and divided the values of the phenomenal universe inaccurately in haste into sentient, insentient, aware or not.
I'd recommend a five minute bath in those cat's eyes any day. Their gaze is as clear as any that can penetrate to whatever is both everywhere and within. It makes me respect the planet and the universe that fostered the galaxy that fostered it, even come to an understanding of what it means to be alive, without having to form the slightest idea, beyond wonder.
Modified by Lp at Sat, Apr 07, 2007, 05:17:38
>Only recently I compared EV to a cat prowling. Having "meditated" for some minutes I see how this wonderful image is as fair an example of the mysterious life and consciousness of the universe< Feline EV - a flea infested stray with suppurating sores and habitually vomitting furballs perhaps, but I'd suggest a wholly different genera. EV = a tape worm: blind, near sensless, life sucking with the single purpose of achieving further infection to support reproduction. Of course it's a creature with its own evolutionary niche - but I'm disinclined to embrace it. Nik
Actually Nik, I think I would compare EV (and rawat) to a virus .... once you have had the disease, you are usually immune to it. Now if only we could come up with a good vaccination against the disease to help other -- oh there is one, it's called ex-premie.org! lol
You don't need to appologise because other may not understand you! Be proud and thankful you know and if you need to say it, is alright. Fools are the ones criticizing what they themselves don't know.
God loves those who love Him and all the beauty he presented in His whole creation, all too beautiful and perfect to be product of mere chance. A flower can be so much more than just a flower for those who have the right eyes.
I know people who have those clear eyes....conciousness is not a bad word, TO MANY LP. Knowing eyes, so different than the dark evil eyes I once looked into (PR)!
Happy Easter to everyone. He died and rose to show God exists; He died for each and everyone of us. My eternal hero.
I guess you think Jesus is telling you to irritate people by preaching here, huh? That's the side of Jesus I never quite got. The irritating Jesus. It's right up there with the deluded, superstitious madman who thought he was God. There's lots to make fun of, eh? Hey, why don't you ask Jesus how to respond? I'm sure he'll think of something.
Hi Lp, Yes, it's just a cool picture of a cat with blue eyes and I didn't mean anything by posting it. However, I did enjoy reading your post just the same. You are beyond wonder. Sincerely, nmfk.
Nice one, LP -- I love that website. It started snowing here on Wednesday, it flurried until last night, and we got another 10 inches. This is getting very old. At the rate we're going we won't be able to put our shovel away until June. Argh...
Modified by Cynthia at Sat, Apr 07, 2007, 08:17:03