More absurd empty statistics from EV
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04/05/2007, 09:36:10
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Lots of percentages but no actual numbers - so blatantly transparent that they are hiding the pathetic low propagation numbers.


From: Prentiss
Subject: the March Report
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 11:07:37

Congratulations to you All,

Record Month for Keys
March was the 3rd record month this year for propagation growth (that's pretty good y'all, since there have only been 3 months thus far in 2007)!

US is currently the #1 country in Keys registrations followed by Malaysia, Spain, Argentina, Cuba and the UK. Canada #14 - and if Miami were a country, they would be about 20th.

North America had a 46% growth in March over February and a 208% growth overthe same month last year.

Our goal for 2007 is: a 288% growth in people receiving and enjoying life with Knowledge, with a 114% increase in Aspirants.

Reminder: just keep creating opportunities for people to introduce others to Maharaji's message
(we are just helping to make it easier for him)

Heads Up
Premie and Aspirant events with Maharaji have been proposed for the first two weekends and the last weekend in May.

- May 5 - 6: Miami
- May 12-13: Boston or LA
- May 26-27: LA

Personally, I would keep these dates open.
Stay tuned - you will know when I know.

Smart Cards are free
It is advisable to have your Smart Cards for the upcoming Premie events.
You can register for Smart Cards in you communities.

The Service Area Manager Trainings are happening - you just need to apply.

"You know, in your life, it has not been like your wishes haven't come true.Actually, if you look back in your life, more wishes have come true than you even care to remember.
But you never were careful about what you wished. Just, wish, wish, wish ...and boom - they come true

...How many wishes have come true? Amazing. Amazing. But what did you wish for?

..Did you wish for contentment? - No. You used your wishes to try to be content the way you thought contentment is gotten. - Wrong"

- Maharaji, 4 March 2007

Simply wishing for more fun,
Thanks / Prentiss

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Replies to this message

Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
turey ®

04/05/2007, 10:01:30
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...this is gonna be interesting.

   turey, the evolutionary.

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Analyzing the words
Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Annie ®

04/05/2007, 10:19:44
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Cynthia - you can have a field day with words in the "March Report" - lol... but here is my small contribution...

"Reminder: just keep creating opportunities for people to introduce others to Maharaji's message
(we are just helping to make it easier for him)"

(Who? is to) keep creating opportunities (how?) for (which other?) people to introduce (what?) others to Maharaji's message? And why does he need anyone to make it easier for him when he is the one who promised to establish "peace in this world", not the premies??

A lot of gobbledegook in that sentence.

And I just love the grammar in this one from the actual "perfect master" himself...

"Did you wish for contentment? - No. You used your wishes to try to be content the way you thought contentment is gotten. - Wrong"

Absolutely WRONG!

He is just so absolutely terrible as a public speaker!

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These figures have been obfuscated.
Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
13 ®

04/05/2007, 10:26:11
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'North America had a 46% growth in March over February and a 208% growth overthe same month last year.'

A 46% growth? What is the smallest number this might represent, given that people don't come in fractions?

23! 23 more people registered for the keys in March than did in February ( increasing from 50 to 73 ). Or 46, or 460...

As JHB pointed out, all percentages, no numbers - means very little.

Maybe it was 50%, which could be three people registered compared to the two in February. But 46% looks better...

Was Jonas one of them? LOL

'Our goal for 2007 is: a 288% growth'

That's what I always aim for, 288. Magic number!

Modified by 13 at Thu, Apr 05, 2007, 10:37:13

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Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV
Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Premie_Spouse ®

04/05/2007, 10:58:07
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May 12-13 is Mother's Day weekend.
May 26-27 is Memorial Day weekend.

Up to his usual crap. 

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Venues are cheaper on family holidays
Re: Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV -- Premie_Spouse Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

04/05/2007, 11:32:26
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Rawat doesn't care about families.

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Re: Venues are cheaper on family holidays
Re: Venues are cheaper on family holidays -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Premie_Spouse ®

04/05/2007, 13:06:04
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Yep, they are cheaper.  And the reason is, that no legitimate organization would have anything other than a family oriented gathering on a holiday weekend, so the venues are all available.  He's not only scum, he's cheap.  

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Cheap but very profitable, the perfect $ master really (nt)
Re: Re: Venues are cheaper on family holidays -- Premie_Spouse Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
hamzen ®

04/05/2007, 20:56:25
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Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV
Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

04/05/2007, 11:46:38
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Gee, any percentage of nothing is still nothing.  I'd love to hear Juan's interpretation of those stats! 

Shows what Rawat's people think of the premies' intelligence.

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must admit to ..
Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
tommo ®

04/05/2007, 14:38:32
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a sneaky little glow of national expremie pride to see UK way down at #6.  Now COMEON you US exes .. a little more effort please ...

More seriously though I suspect that Key registrations are not all new people but also include many laggardly registrations from fringe premies



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Re: PIP statistics
Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
ocker ®

04/05/2007, 16:52:50
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I noticed while reading PIP that many EV statistics are about the sum of the number of people who came to see him speak. Naturally that number can only ever increase and after 40 years it's a reasonably large number.

I noticed when I was collating the statistics for local meetings once EV had moved to using spreadsheets that they changed from counting the number of different people attending the video speeches of Rawat per week/month to the number of bums on seats and only caring if they were pwks, asps or new people. At the time I assumed (I wasn't a premie, just a premie husband) it was because the figures were previously showing a downward trend.

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Amazing math
Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Axis ®

04/05/2007, 19:11:38
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Amazing math! If in the USA, Michigan Detroit and suburbs areas, all cities combined, had only 2 new premies in 15 years, give and take, what are these present numbers saying? Can someone help me? I know of other Michigan cities and they have the same numbers, 1-2 premies in 10-15 years.

Maybe George Sommer can help me a little on this one; he has my phone number. Ooops, I forgot. The cult of "light" instigates hate towards those who have fallen out of the disgrace of their master. Small chance George will type ever here, or answering my questions. Silly me.

I say, wake up George! Pray, do something. Rawat serves a different "god".

Hi you guys, David Smith, David Mancoff and Charanand; you are as responsible for all the negative stuff as your master. Just a reminder.

Silvia Bernz Sommer

Modified by Axis at Thu, Apr 05, 2007, 19:12:15

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Why not post actual numbers?
Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Marianne ®

04/05/2007, 20:48:22
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Why can't EV/TPRF state the actual numbers upon which the percentages are based? What's the big mystery? Using percentages just makes it look as though they have something to hide. And no doubt they do - 288% sure sounds a lot better than 1 or 2! Or zero.

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Some hints here
Re: Why not post actual numbers? -- Marianne Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jean-Michel ®

04/06/2007, 02:16:19
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I now recall a conversation I had with Yoram Weisz mora than a decade ago on that very issue.
It looks like pams themselves are very much afraid telling true figures to Rawat. From what I understand they have some sort of silent agreement : they manage the figures in a way what's obvious to everybody else won't be actually told.
In the same spirit, they work like crazy to fill halls in different ways: pretending there are no big halls available, and whatever hall they'll find suitable, manage to fill it to the rim, inviting premies from everywhere around the world to fill it, giving them some bonuses, like good seats, 'special meetings' etc .......
Of course Yoram didn't tell me all this so clearly, but this is what he meant.
Also there are some anecdotes where some people told the actual figures to Rawat, he got really mad,
and nobody wants to drive him mad you know .....
we're not talking about a cult !!

Modified by Jean-Michel at Fri, Apr 06, 2007, 02:37:13

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most likely solutions?
Re: Some hints here -- Jean-Michel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
tommo ®

04/06/2007, 08:59:32
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no harm in a little speculation then...from what you say, Jean Michel, it seems fair to assume that the numbers are about as low as they could be consistent with the given percentages .. then ~

If 50 people received K in 2006 (ambiguous whether this was just North America or encompasses more countries) the target for 2007 comes out at 194.  Probably the percentage is rounded and 51 or 52 received K in 2006 and the target for 2007 is 200?

Similarly the key registration figures would come out as 50 in Feb 07, and 73 in Mar 07 as compared with 35 in Mar 06.

would Rawat be overjoyed with this?



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Re: Some hints here
Re: Some hints here -- Jean-Michel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nik ®

04/06/2007, 14:55:30
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>there are some anecdotes where some people told the actual figures to Rawat, he got really mad,
and nobody wants to drive him mad you know .....<

It's just like Hitler at the end of WWII making endless plans for new offensives using forces he no longer had - his Generals were too cowardly to actually tell him what the real position was. And maybe anyway the Generals didn't want to admit to themselves that they were facing defeat.


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Denial to the end
Re: Re: Some hints here -- Nik Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jean-Michel ®

04/07/2007, 02:06:06
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It's just like Hitler at the end of WWII making endless plans for new
offensives using forces he no longer had - his Generals were too
cowardly to actually tell him what the real position was. And maybe
anyway the Generals didn't want to admit to themselves that they were
facing defeat.

Exactly. And it's not only the generals, any lifer is also aware of this. We all recall the huge halls filled to the rim, then smaller and smaller venues ....... and now: almost nothing, only 'regional' meetings where everybody is called from all over the places ........
How far can denial go ?

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Sounds like someone has seen "The Secret"
Re: More absurd empty statistics from EV -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Steve ®

04/06/2007, 08:36:36
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"You know, in your life, it has not been like your wishes haven't come true.Actually, if you look back in your life, more wishes have come true than you even care to remember. But you never were careful about what you wished. Just, wish, wish, wish ...and boom - they come true

...How many wishes have come true? Amazing. Amazing. But what did you wish for?

..Did you wish for contentment? - No. You used your wishes to try to be content the way you thought contentment is gotten. - Wrong"

- Maharaji, 4 March 2007

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