Well done Jonas!
I wish I had escaped the cult as fast as you! You've gone from potential aspirant ( do they still call them that these days? ) to deconstruction of Rawat's sales talk in just days. It took the rest of us here much much longer.
I am sure you are right about naming the knowledge, and giving it a capital K. I wouldn't have succumbed for the Magic Pill, or would I? 
jonas - it is just that kind of critical thinking that rawat hates - because it shows him up for what he is. congratulations on being able to use that faculty before he took it away from you. There are so many premies still trapped by not being able to use critical thinking anymore. they have been told so many times that thinking is "the mind" so they if they are thinking anything negative about him, they are "in their minds" which is the worst place for a premie to be, according to the mind-control master, rawat. Well done.
Jonas, It's true that Rawat is advertising something, because he is selling snake oil. He loves having a lot of money and he also loves being the object of devotion. The link below is a good website that describes the characteristics of a cult. What snagged you, I suspect, is that you were in an emotionally vulnerable place due to your life situation when you encountered premies. One of the common characteristics of a cult is what's called loaded language, or loading the language. Another is love bombing -- what cult members do to new comers to exploit their vulnerability. "Loading the Language: Words are given new meanings -- the outside world does not use the words or phrases in the same way -- it becomes a "group" word or phrase" In Rawatism, the loaded language includes words that take on a whole new meaning in the context of the belief-system. You were well on your way to being indoctrinated, by the way. Some of the loaded words that become part of the specific Rawat lexicon are: mind, breath, focus, ego, within or within inside, (perfect) mirror, thirst, life, purpose of life, this human life, peace, happiness, path, self, heart, feel(ing), and of course, knowledge -- there are many more. I'm so pleased that you registered and wrote on the forum yesterday. You used your mind in the way it's supposed to be used: to critically analyze the world around you, as well as oneself.. As many have said to you, that is absolutely forbidden in Maharaji's world.
Related link: reFocus
Jonas, I think you may be a little miraculous, too. In 2 days you have gone from ordering keys1 to denouncing Maharaji with the best of them. And you did not even have to listen to keys1 in order to come up with terms like "rawatian", "Premnotic", "Premnotism", "Trojan truth", and "word dancing". Your grasp of English nuance has improved dramatically in a very short time Are you really for real? Regards, Sean
Sean,Just as you are trusted to be who you claim, please give the same courtesy to others here. There is nothing suspicious about Jonas' posts or the speed with which he has grasped what was happening to him. Just the realisation that the cult conditioning had made him lie to his wife was enough evidence that what was happening to him was not healthy. For the record there is also nothing suspicious about his ip address. It's you that makes one wonder - how can someone still hold Rawat in high regard given all the evidence against him? John.
huhhh? i tought sean was complementing me. my mind is once againg free. of course i use again to its fulll extent .
Jonas, Well I am glad that you took what I said in the best possible light. It was my mistake - your writing style fooled me into thinking you were not genuine. Sorry about that, Sean
>It was my mistake - your writing style fooled me into thinking you were not genuine.<
My you have learned from your master. You start by saying it was your mistake - then negate that by placing the blame on Jonas' writing style for misleading you. Here's a clue how to go about shedding those disgusting premie habits - When you apologise, you accept it's your fault - period. Nik
....that Jonas may not be for real.......for many reasons that I won't elaborate on....(though not the new words that Jonas used).That's one of the reasons I didn't post on the thread. If you are genuine Jonas I really do apologise in advance.You should be informed that ,in the past, premies have assumed cyber personas and made bogus posts here. When I first posted here two and a half years ago ,having read Ex.Premie.org and seen the true "light" after thirty years in the cult, I was accused of being fake and it frightened and devastated me.......so....as truth is often stranger than fiction........I will accept your story and congratulations on your speedy realisations. 
Thank you. I _think_ (good to see you mind, never let me leave you again) my speedy realisations is due to how early in the process I was. And my recruiters was not aggresive.
They said check it out, the truth will be known by its fruit or something. Today I recived something called "Introduction to the Keys".
It seems they want me to watch this one first, THEN register or something, to be able to recieve the first key. But that will never happen of course.
My english will vary because I am often to lazy to look the words up in a dictionary.
........like now
Sean, If you actually had read Jonas' posts you'd have known two things that he has said about himself that are relevant: 1. that he is out of practice with English, not unfamiliar with it. And 2. that he had already diligently read through the various Critical websites. Raising questions about the veracity of others is not very smart for a Rawat follower - it reminds many readers here of the frequent bad faith that has been the hall mark of most premies who have posted on the ex forums. And certainly makes me think that we are finally seeing your 'true colours'. Nik
So, Sean, you think that Jonas is a fake? Leave it to a premie to become paranoid and accusatory when they have nothing else to offer a conversation! LOL!
Modified by Cynthia at Thu, Apr 05, 2007, 06:43:50
Did I really read Jonas' posts and not notice those words? Premnotic, Premnotism, I love them though I think Jonas has a wildly overstated idea of Rawat's competency and creativity but then again that is easy.
And how are you doing? I hope your wife and child(ren) don't think you're spending too much time watching the Keys and not doing the housework and playing with her/them. Where are you up to in the Keys or do you have to sign an affidavit saying you will never tell anyone which Key you're currently watching?
I've forgotten who you "received Knowledge" from and when. Was it a mahatma, a Western mahatma, an initiator or an instructor?
Hi Ocker, All is going well, I am midway through the keys.
Rainbow Inn, Nov 13, 1974. Rajeshwar. I heard from someone that he did not carry the title of of mahatma. Sean
Carried the title, but was also a family man, not an ashram dweller, so he didn't shave his head or wear saffron-colored robes. He wore white clothes and a black vest. His smile and laugh and joking ways were so infections and warmed many many people's hearts in the 70s, including all children. He was a judge before taking a sabbatical to become a sort-of-saint in the West. He had a booming voice at all times. He did some mistake and was banished to an isolated Caribbean Island for some time. He returned sadly to his lawless state in India to live in the 90s, where lawlessness leads to heartache and no justice. He and his family were crushed by this. Very sad. Great guy. Indian, so no blame for his religious/cult perspective. It's second nature over there. It's not here. A mind bender.
From what I heard, from some reliable source, is that Rajeshwar dared denouncing and discussing (during a mahatma meeting) some scandal that was going on at the Delhi ashram, involving Sampuranand. Rawat didn't like that AT ALL ............... (Sampu used to have his own residence on the ashram ground - not as big as Rawat's, and things were happening there that had nothing to do with ashram life .....)
Modified by Jean-Michel at Fri, Apr 06, 2007, 11:49:24
During one of rawat's visits to Australia, my then husband of the time and I had a large house just down the road from rawat's residence in Brisbane. We offered space in our house to help out during the visit, and the house was basically "taken over" by Sampuranand and rawat's cook at the time, whom we simply called Bai Ji. My husband and I were relegated to live in the basement while the upstairs was taken over by Samjpy and Baiji. They were definitely not chaste with each other. We didn't mind that, since we were a married couple at the time, but we did think it a bit hypocritical of Sampy, being a Mahatma and supposedly celibate. Of course, being good PAMs, we didn't speak of it to anyone.
From what I heard, what was going on was not involving Baiji only ......... You can imagine what Indian ashram premies were saying ..... looks like everybody was aware of it ....... and was not supposed to be mentioned. I guess that used to be a big problem there .........
I'm not sure about the identity of Sampurand's female companion but Delhi ashram gossip had it that Sampuranand had moved into Prem's appartments and was 'entertaining' his friend there. There were also allegations that Sampurand was diverting funds and that when he died, his companion was left very well provided for. Was it not Sampuranand's appartments that were given over to Jagdeo when he was first in hiding after the abuse saga became public ? N
So you were living in Fig Tree Pocket or Indooroopilly around 1980ish? I don't think I came back to Brisbane until maybe 1982 and though I wasn't a premie I still went to satsang in, was it, Elizabeth St? but I only hung out with old mates.
I remember when Rajeshwaranand came to Australia. I think he was with Bal Bhagwan Ji. We were told to come into the satsang hall on Saturday for very, very important satsang from the good judge/mahatma.
He gave this outragious "Holy Family" satsang in which he said, among other nonsense, that although Guru Maharaj Ji was Guru Maharaj Ji, Bal Bhagwan Ji was God or at least the power of God and without BBJ, GMJ could do nothing. It was pretty hot in the hall that day and I was pretty freaked out by this sort of stuff and it was only quite a bit later that I realised that this was the family break-up and that BBJ was trying to get backing from Australian premies and no doubt was priming Rajeshwar's pump. The honchos ended up sending BBJ packing, cause he "was in his mind". When I got home that day my wife asked me what he said but there was no way I was ever going to repeat that stuff. Years later I was talking with another premie who'd been there. Turns out I wasn't the only one freaked out.
The evidence was always there if you'd only open your eyes and see.
and is seeing patterns that aren't there. Rawat doesn't just repeat himself 3 times (though he might in that clip) he repeats himself time and time and time again. Prem Rawat is a Master repeater. Prem Rawat often says the same thing more than once. (There, is that 3 repeats? I'm an advertising genius!)
Rawat only has a few introductory things to say after all.
You don't feel as good as you'd like. I have a way of making you feel real good. I will give it to you.
Holy shit, another triplet.
To pad that out into approximately 1 hour speeches, or whatever they are they seem interminable to me, he uses lots of silences, he often has long pauses, he uses many hiati in his speeches (righto that's the last triad). He is a Master of mediocrity.
Jonas, as a new person with little or any idea of the history of Rawatism, you wouldn't be aware that Rawat has created virtually none of this. He inherited his position from his father who was a successful, albeit minor, Indian guru and pretty well all of his success was based on the energy and inspiration of his early Western followers and the Indian followers of his father.
Once you have enough people thinking you are God you can be a complete nasty, incompetent and still have a reasonable career.