Maybe this has been posted already
Posted by:
ocker ®

03/29/2007, 16:27:01
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Alert Forum Admin

While trying to google the youtube videos (why didn't I write these all down already) to add some links I inadvertently found this on the bizarre Bravenet blog:

If you like the workof Maharaji and feel it should be supported and known,
please visualise, vote and comment these short videos
with extract of his words.

In the democratic world of
YOUTUBE that voting will put them on the top of the
list in relation to his name Prem Rawat or Maharaji.

Now I'm not going to exhort any of you to vote to put Rawat's dancing at the top of the list because frankly, I couldn't be bothered voting myself so I can hardly expect anyone else to do so. This mania for making Rawat look good seems to have become the main focus of premies in the last 20 years even amongst these old hippie bongos.

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Re: Maybe this has been posted already
Re: Maybe this has been posted already -- ocker Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

03/30/2007, 06:37:29
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Alert Forum Admin

You don't have to encourage anyone to vote for the man-boobs videos.  Those already get the most hits. 

Where the rubber meets the road, a true devotee likes to see his Master's titties.  Frankly, as a former gopi, I can attest it's much more thrilling than satsang, service, and meditation.

Modified by Cynthia at Fri, Mar 30, 2007, 06:39:02

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