"to ensure that the
service platform follows established guidelines
and is synchronized with Maharaji's vision".
We wouldn't want that service platform veering off track now would we.
Ouch! the language.
Are they completly insane ? No normal human being would want to do that as a paid job let alone volunteer to become a corporate robot. Seems like someone in the Rawat camp is intent on crushing even the remaining dregs of life to be found in the premie soul. I think you'd have to have a major dose of self loathing to envisage this bureaucratic nightmare as a way to to spread a message. Nik
Too true Nik, yet
I remember a world of thought with a shudder, in which this word "service" (especially something definite one could sign up for,) looked to those already driven half mad with imaginary thirst for surrender to the leader's person like the sign over the monastic door of a retreat into grace: a door into a protected state of divine peace, an escape from the stalking demon mind.
A mirage, itself: cast upon an imaginary desert seemingly devoid of human love (all attributed to and given and taken to the guru); an image of a shelter, safe by his oasis of grace; quenching thirst in the barren projected desert of life on earth without him.
I shudder to realize that there may be others like the young ones I recall who fell into the illusory welcoming arms in the word "service" and are still, to this day, unable to free themselves. And many idealistic young people are nobly drawn to do some sort of, as they believe, altruistic volunteer work at some time in their life.
Fearful induced image of the monkey mind firmly installed upon left shoulder: no guards are needed to keep the slaves working under the magic promises within his mirage.
Day and night are the same in the loveless mines where desire for mind loss is converted into labour and hard cash; and nets to catch more to tell of the evils of the mind.
Modified by Lp at Thu, Mar 29, 2007, 06:57:00
Now there's a good phrase LP. And its not just the premos (us as was) that it applies to either.
I am so glad I did that theology degree upon exiting; very clarifying if a bit confronting. The dynamics of so much these days only seems comprehensible in religious terms.
Its pathetic here to watch a self-evident religious cult trying to sharpen up its mawkish, new-age pantheism with a sparky veneer of corporate new-speak. Spare us please.
well said lp.
'participation' back to 'service' sounds like another revolution of the wheel.
Such a two bit bully.. he should remember that eventually even the worm turns. 
What's a PAN, I wonder. So, you need a name, address, and a phone number -- that's normal. But you also need a Smart Card, a Keys ID, and a PAN to do service? I'm looking forward to the procedural manual!
No you need one of a Smart Card, a Keys ID, or a PAN.
Thank Maharaji for Google, it is a Personal Access Number for the Keys
Prem Adulation Number Pablium Anodyne Nostrum 
That's so typical !!
I don't keep track anymore of the countless changes, but honestly, what was wrong with these guys ?
Bad management ? Everybody gone ? Sure .............. Nobody left ? Beeeeg crisis !!
The Service Area Management Training will soon be available to train individuals around the globe in the role of Service Area Manager (SAM). The first of several Service Area Manager Trainings in North America are being planned for April 25th to 29th, and May 16th to 20th, 2007. I betcha premies have to pay significant dinero to take this Service Area Management Training. Its real purpose is probably for Rawat to further soak his naive devotees. Doing service for free is not good enough. Premies now have to pay to do service.
Modified by Steve at Thu, Mar 29, 2007, 12:58:08
Not quite, they have to pay to do training to do service and not just ordinary service, they are paying for training to be Area Managers.
Prem Rawat has never charged for Knowledge, not would he ever, he has never charged for his appearances and he never would. Neither he nor his family have ever benefited from sale of materials, from the very start, he had granted the organizations royalty-free copyright licenses to make materials from his addressess. (loosely paraphrased from PIP by Andrea Cagan)
Yes "royalty-free copyright licenses to make materials from his addressess"! Such magnaminity! Such divine largesse!
I have heard from the inner circles that managers, national contacts and heavy hitting internal mini gurus have returned from the SAMT very blissful and purporting to be changed people and from now on will offer kindness and courtesy to all involved in the movement. These statements of course bring to mind a number of questions. 1) Rawat has been the spiritual head of these people for over forty years and only now does he turn is attention to how his devotees are treated 2) Many of these managers are lifers with over 30 years of daily practice of a technique of “inner peace” and yet it has never surfaced that what you experience inside, maybe, on occasions, be manifest externally in the way you treat your fellow human beings. It is truly laughable. 3) There is a significant body of evidence to suggest that people do not change over night or even in a matter of weeks. People take time and it is usually because of a deep passion and love that drives their being. We know from our own experience and the significant documentation on EPO and other places that premies are not driven by a deep passion and love but by the need to be obsessively devoted. It is all nuts to me. Peter
Modified by peter jackson at Thu, Mar 29, 2007, 16:33:39
Since the 90s (and maybe before also) Satsang service and meditation (old way) is not what's giving premies a significant experience, and is not officially promoted as it used to be. It's all become very much confidential. But the seminars and various trainings systems and trends are obviously what's now promoted and keeping some of the old 'spirit' together' and Rawat's boat afloat. I wonder how premies can digest all this. No other choice for the lifers I guess, and exiting may be even more difficult than before. Poor guys.
I also think that Rawat is (like he's always been) unable to manage a decent organization, and that system is a great tool and very handy for him. As we've seen here for years now, none of these trainings is going anywhere, and when it's becoming too obvious, he just dumps it and invents a new one that's supposed to solve all the problems ...........
Modified by Jean-Michel at Fri, Mar 30, 2007, 02:53:05
We all know that the people who gravitate to these positions are the ones who can afford the training. I'm sure it's pricey. I think that particular type of person already has a need to rein power over others and get closer to the leader. This really doesn't sound much different from any other phase of propagation Rawat has over and over instituted through the years. My speculation is that Rawat really wants a new jet, or already has one and it needs to be maintained financially. Expensive new toys have always been Rawat's primary motivation behind any of his new propagation surges (or new projects) throughout his career as a guru in the west. The programs we're not hearing about the secret fundraising efforts. I'll eat my compost pile if the cult isn't squeezing people for cash under the table as we speak. Moreover, it's a pretty dumb leader that has to train his members to be nice to other people in their own group and to treat them decently! Whatever happened to finding inner peace and love from Rawat and his Perfect Knowledge? In India, he's been calling the inner experience he offers "God." The bottom line is the bottom line around Prem Rawat.
Modified by Cynthia at Fri, Mar 30, 2007, 09:01:54
>I'll eat my compost pile if the cult isn't squeezing people for cash under the table as we speak< You're on pretty safe ground I think. In a way 'squeezing people for cash' is the line of least resistance for Elan Vital/TPRF - it's the one thing that the organisations have been consistently good at, and in the face of abject failure in propagation it's inevitable that money raising is the organisational default position. The whole thing looks more like Amway by the day. Nik
Does that mean the SAMT was given to the current administrators before it was advertised in the form JM posted?
Another round of bullshit but at least it sounds like the admins were at least told what shitheads they were/are but as for change, forget it. I cannot imagine the level of cognitive dissonance of people who have practised "Knowledge" for over 30 years and now need to be changed by a training session. Besides wasn't it 10 or 15 years ago that Rawat satsanged that "Knowlege" doesn't make you a nicer person? And didn't the former Perfect Master say it does?
BTW, are you Australian? I recall Peter Jackson being a major brand of cigarette over here at one time. It might still be for all I know but as we don't have cigarette advertising I'm not sure. I'd better drive out to Amaroo and look in the garbage bins to see what brand premies are smoking now.
Besides wasn't it 10 or 15 years ago that Rawat satsanged that "Knowlege" doesn't make you a nicer person? He did, but it's so weird, because he contradicts himself all the time. He said recently that practicing makes someone a kinder person. The only thing he's ever been consistent about is when he speaks has been his role as the chief boss of the universe.