'Think how silly it would be if God could only be realized by coming to me'
How silly I have been! I am pretty damn sure that these techniques could be shown only by Maharaji ( or his appointed deputies ).
Where did I get that notion???
Yep, it has to be a joke. And muggins here fell for it! One day, I'll learn not to be so gullible!
His latest gig is what he called a while back "PROTECTING THOSE MILLIONS" , those he is lose, sooner than later when it comes to "paying back time" of returning what he robbed using all kind of evil methods. He is the perfect example of a CHEATER: Lacking moral restraint or integrity; notorious for his loose character. The guru went down and down to avoid appologizing and then, what was the name of that egg that fell down? Not so fast Rawat, not so fast. You cannot rewind your story nor forget all the pain your personal greed caused. Yes, fear GOD. To be redeemed, you need to confess to God and then, YOU MUST appologize those who you offended and you must also pay what you own to them: It is called RESTITUTION.
God answer prayers, of course it does. The enemy is been unmasked a little more each day and for that, I rejoice. Silvia, who has a huge smile on her face. He wants to be fair so badly and is way too late. I wonder who is going to want to represent him. Hmmm...
Well, I got into the cult because I've been gullible. Plus, nothing surprises me anymore about Rawat. Btw, your bio website is great.
Modified by Cynthia at Wed, Mar 28, 2007, 17:28:13
Rawat had a sudden conversion and now he wants to share all of the glory of being LOTU with his fellow cult leaders. He's even going to offer up his jet as a humanitarian service to mankind: He'll pilot any cult leader to their live speaking engagements, no charge. It's all in the name of spreading Knowledge. Rawat needs no personal glory.
Modified by Cynthia at Thu, Mar 29, 2007, 03:56:34
As if! Funny how you just NEVER get any of these cult leaders cooperating with each other, lending their skills, planes whatever. If it was world peace they were really after, you'd think they might find something in common. I guess they just don't get along!!
Is your post a joke? If it is, there are two more weeks of World prayer to go. I want/need to know. Thanks in advance. Silvia If what you posted came out of Rawat's mouth it will be step 1. Please, respond ASAP.
Silvia and others, It's a joke. If I lampoon Mr. Rawat again in the future, I will add a little note at the end, no matter how obvious the joke. But come on, guys, don't you know him better than that? Rawat's main message is that he is necessary. People go to see him and to listen to him because they want to depend on him. The kind of words that I added to his speech would be the death of this master/devotee cult. Silvia, you can pray from now till doomsday and Mr. Rawat will remain the self-serving megalomaniac that he has always been since beginning to play Master. This kind of person never changes. Never. A renunciation of their pretended specialness would be the death of their whole self. They cannot even think about the truth of how silly they are. For Rawat, the mind truly is a dragon ready to eat him. The truth would destroy him.
Modified by Grapevine at Thu, Mar 29, 2007, 09:51:39
It was a GOOD joke, and better cos you made me fall for it! It amused me, and sent me a warning of my still continuing gullibility - a gentle reminder. Thanks.
But it was so reasonable. I mean, if these gurus are showing the same techniques, and if their aim was to bring peace to people, they'd have stuff in common that they could cooperate with. But you only have to think about it for a couple of minutes, and the realisation at how these gurus absolutely don't cooperate, don't even mention each other, I guess even regard each other as charlatans. These gurus don't have enough peace between them to cooperate...
I do appreciate of course, that their aims are quite separate - each to amass money and power to themselves. That's all.
There's only one other possible explanation for their lack of cooperation - that one of them really is the one and only Lord, and the rest are imitators - but they seem so similar! How to choose...?
Don't feel obliged to make any future jokes more transparent - it was good as it was. Thanks.
Modified by 13 at Thu, Mar 29, 2007, 12:47:29
Grapevine, Nice to see you here. I want to kick myself for falling for your joke, but it was a good one. The good news is that I didn't fall for it longer than about one minute. I hope that fact makes me safe from my own future gullibilities. Thanks! 
I was thinking...he just got so old and has nothing to lose and is like...hey get it from Sat Pal or Barney or Edrek whatever works.... if only.... LOL great post!
Silvia and others, It's a joke. Thanks for answering.
If I lampoon Mr. Rawat again in the future, I will add a little note at the end, no matter how obvious the joke. Please do that, that would be fair to those who are not familiar with your personalities and read the forum only once in a while.
But come on, guys, don't you know him better than that? I know how low life and a liar he has always been but I also know he cannot escape the fact that there is a GOD. He answers to a very limited god, but there is only ONE GOD: Two powers in warefare. GOD always wins.
main message is that he is necessary. People go to see him and to
listen to him because they want to depend on him. The kind of words
that I added to his speech would be the death of this master/devotee
The powerful Spirit of God can make him say anything, in fact, He had already done it so many times; EV/Visions recalled the videos and they were edited the best they could to keep going the then video subscription reaching world communities. I have some originals.
I say BTW, when I catched many of those inconsistencies and did not buy anymore that it was a "lila" I left the cult. What a mean little god he really is, Satan's friend. Silvia, you can pray from now till doomsday and Mr.
Rawat will remain the self-serving megalomaniac that he has always been
since beginning to play Master.
I disagree: Krishnamurti confessed.
This kind of person never changes.
Never. A renunciation of their pretended specialness would be the
death of their whole self. They cannot even think about the truth of
how silly they are. For Rawat, the mind truly is a dragon ready to eat
him. The truth would destroy him. Krishnamurti confessed because he wanted peace. He is discomposing himself quickly. God gives chances to everyone, even to the worst sinners.
Thanks Grapevine.
Do not underestimate the power of PRAYER or of GOD. PRAY!
......and so sad...for him and all the others of greater or lesser "success". "This kind of person never changes. Never. A renunciation of their pretended specialness would be the death of their whole self. They cannot even think about the truth of how silly they are. For Rawat, the mind truly is a dragon ready to eat him. The truth would destroy him."
Ok, here's the latest report from Rawat's current program in India. See if you can spot the words that Rawat really said and the words that I have graciously added. (Compare with real report from http://innerlink.typepad.com/) *** What I have come to say is very simple. It’s very, very simple. Very, very, VERY simple. I mean, any simpleton could say this shit! If we can understand that, then we have the possibility to receive joy in our lives. That possibility is there. What will you have to do for this? Because whenever someone says something to you, immediately, your mind goes; “What will I have to do for this?” "Something has to be done – one has to go to the temple. The God has to be offered the offering. The God has to be garlanded." What I am talking about is already within you. You don’t need to search for it, because you won’t find it even if you look for it. Why won't you find it? Because it is already there. So, you don’t have to do anything. You don't even have to view all the Keys, if you don't want to. Fuck the Keys! Who needs em!
You are alive. That possibility is there. You can enjoy the most supreme bliss. Knowledge is for fun. It's time to put the f back in fun. Without the f all you have is un. And that's negative. And if you take the f from the f-word, all you have is uck! And that's ucky. Knowledge is for you. And if you take the y from you all you have is ou, and that's ouie. So meditate everyday and enjoy that most supreme bliss. Or not. Like I said, you don't really have to do anything. Hell, I haven't meditated since that time in the late 60's. Maharaji
If he really wearing a Kabballah red string?
Ffing funny 
'Hell, I haven't meditated since that time in the late 60's.'
Did he really say that out loud?
if altering photos was allowed.....he looks like a kid praying for a toy. And he has been pretty toy obsessed all his life.