I'm thinking of self-publishing some of my DLM articles as a Lulu Books pamphlet - If you don't know of Lulu www.lulu.com it's a self-publishing house that prints books on demand. It isn't a vanity publisher as they don't charge authors to write their own books - but they do print off and sell books direct to customers wether people want one or 1,000 copies and take a few percent cut on the deal which is fair enough. I have just posted my first short story collection (to them at least; I have other stuff out elsewhere) The stuffthey have of mine now has nothing to do with cults but now I'm thinking of doing likewise with some of my DLM material - If you want to circulate some of your life stories and experiences this might be a route for you to consider too. If I do go with this, would any of you consider buying such work? Cheers. AC.