>Cagan claims we use multiple aliases to make our numbers sound bigger and here is evidence of Premies resorting to precisely such a tactic< Rawat's followers are not bound by 'concepts' like justice or fairplay - they (believe themselves to) operate from a higher purpose so they are immune from charges of hypocrisy or deceipt, irrespective of whatever they do. It's not that premies are all really corrupt - it's just that most are innurred in 30 years of disemblement and they've got used to it, at least in that bit of their lives that's given over to Rawat and his organisations. One of the oddest things I find is that although most premies hate the organisations - they can never quite make the leap, that even if Rawat is a good guy - those involved in the organisations might not be sharing the whole truth. Nik
Cagan claims we use multiple aliases to make our numbers sound bigger and here is evidence of Premies resorting to precisely such a tactic. It's so obvious that Cagan did absolutely no research for that book, because the claim that ex-premies use multiple aliases and are anonymous is absolutely untrue, but it is what the Elan Vital faq say, so premies believe it. The Australian EV site is the one that instituted the hate-group label, and it's true that whatever is on those EV sites about "oppossition to Maharaji's message" has been well-engrained into the mindset of premies, without any proof of the allegations. It's an engrained part of the Rawat belief-system or religion. That's a very strange development which is a direct response to what ex-premies have testified to online over a few years. I've been posting under my real name for around eight years, and many others have, too. In fact, the only reason that some people began using handles here was in response to the chilling effect of the cult members' behavior several years ago by contacting exes' employers, having their (exes) names dragged through the mud on websites, falsely calling them criminals, and mental misfits, and other harrassment by the cult designed to shut exes up and ruin their real life reputations. I can understand very well why premies throw out all the smoke and mirrors when responding to an ex-premie. They've been for years living within their cognitive dissonance that disallows their minds from accepting anything critical about Maharaji, including simple facts such as his own words(!), and other facts that prove Maharaji to be a very flawed man. In Maharaji's world, black can be white, and white can be black; night can become day, and day can become night. There's no logic to it, but premies gave up critical thinking long ago -- some never had it to begin with.
Modified by Cynthia at Tue, Mar 20, 2007, 09:49:52
'ex-premies use multiple aliases and are anonymous'
You can't count how many aliases anonymous people have. How would you know that two aliases belong to the same anonymous person?
And here is there opinion of my review of the book on the Shvoong website - they don't llike me very much do they? lol. I guess the one out of five rating is theirs too - just a hunch.... This spiteful, opinionated piece purports to be a review of Andrea Cagan's excellent and well researched book on the life of Prem Rawat. My guess is that Mr Chappell has not actually read the book - well, maybe he's skimmed it. This book is, in fact, an independent account of the life of a contemporary teacher whose unique teaching is now recognised by world leaders and academics, as well as the many thousands of his satisfied students. I'm not sure what credentials Mr Chappell offers in support of his views but would advise readers not to be misled - read the book and judge for yourselves. Jane Armitage (14 March 2007)
http://www.lulu.com/content/757452 My book on Maharaji - BRAINWASHED! A CULT SURVIVOR'S TALE
Arthur Chappell arthur@chappell7300.freeserve.co.uk
My Space. http://www.myspace.com/56954240
Web site www.arthurchappell.clara.net/
"This book is, in fact, an independent account of the life of a
contemporary teacher whose unique teaching is now recognised by world
leaders and academics, as well as the many thousands of his satisfied
I find it difficult to believe that Ms Armitage can be so stupid or naive as to actually believe what she has written here.
Is the book an independant account? Well it is written by a person who apparently isn't a follower of Rawat. But all the information is supplied by followers of Rawat and all independant accounts of him have been ignored. So on a technicality you could say it is an independant account.
Is his teaching unique? He uses rehashed (and pretty basic to the point of embarassment) methods of meditation. Certainly nothing unique in Holy Name "technique" is there? But if you had not done any research and had just used Rawat's "teachings" then you could conceivable in good conscience say he had a unique teaching. And of course he is the only teacher saying he is the unique current Master so yes his teaching is unique in that respect.
Is it recognised by world leaders? Well lots of US and some international politicians have given him commendation, etc so even you know these are basically bought (either under the counter or through philanthropic donations) or given away to anyone who asks for them you have to agree that he is recognised by some more minor world leaders.
Recognised by academics? Well there's a famous English acadmic, Ron Geaves who has recognised him and there are a few lesser establishments of education have recognised him and he has spoken at major university campuses in rented halls so yes he is recognised by academics. And yes he has thousands of satisfied students though he has far more dissatisfied former students.
Naive, ignorant or deliberately using the quarter truths that premies have striven for so long and hard to create. I don't know but if I had remained a premie I hope I would have had the honesty to be in an emotional and intellectual quandary now for the last decade or so as I saw the EV propaganda develop as it has.