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I would prefer to be receiving fan mail from premies for my reasonably extensive work at http://www.prem-rawat-bio.org/ but it seems most premies don't google around much. But on youtube I couldn't help myself and made some stupid comments when I posted the highlights of the Prem Rawat singing video clip. That pissed a few premies off and they reponded in the usual way they do, smug superiority with tut-tutting about my mean-spirited lack of consciousness and inability to appreciate the most wonderful Lord the world has ever seen and then there was this nutcase: Mar 12, 2007, 03:49 PM Please leave....DO IT!! Do IT....LEAVE...You Must go Now. Please do yourself a favor. Put yourself into a very relaxed state and then for the Love of God have an orginal thought..THINK FOR YOURSELF You Do IT....LEAVE...You Must go Now. Please do yourself a favor. Put yourself into a very relaxed state and then for the Love of God have an orginal thought..THINK FOR YOURSELF You are using the void to poke fun at something you do not understand and can never understand...Life is pasing you by so you find something to hang on to from your past and turn it into your lifes work? Fella..your welding yourself to the tracks and the super chief is highballing right down on you. Please do me a favor..Drop out of site. Until you can be positive. There bud-zo...How does that feel? You are proof that all these so call "ex" people are spineless jellybrains. Smell that one? Re: Re: Please leave....DO IT!! Mar 15, 2007, 01:54 AM prembio wrote: > > > sjm wrote: > > > Do IT....LEAVE...You Must go Now. Please do yoursel... Mar 15, 2007, 01:54 AM sjm Re: Re: Please leave....DO IT!! prembio wrote: > > > sjm wrote: > > > Do IT....LEAVE...You Must go Now. Please do yoursel... (Reply) (Delete) (Block User) (Spam) Sent: March 15, 2007 Subject: Re: Re: Please leave....DO IT!! Message: bring it on smart mouth..."truthful means" what do you know about truthful means you horses ass..get real... your a snotty white boy with nothing and I mean nothing REAL TO SAY...YOUR ALL THE SAME you whiny bunch of titty babies..JUST HURT HURT HURT HURT HURT HURT..THAT IS ALL YOU KNOW AND YOU ARE A SICKNESS BEYOND SICKNESS..in over 35 years I have spent with Maharaji he has never ever done anything even remotely close to hurting me. but the premies? sure I have been in total odds with some of them and I have totally fucked up bigtime myself but it wasn't Maharaji's fault. You, whoever you are , need to go back and find what even got your attention about Maharaji. Never mind the positive or the negative just LISTEN..other wise you will remain a jerkwad,and that is such a waste, the sad part is your probably an ok guy but you want to prove your a man..why don't you do something positive..why pick on somebody why cause pain?....but you shitbirds that is all you know..pain and hurt hurt and pain..your bully stink bombs working from the shadows of the internet.....whaaaooooo..smell that? open a window..your cutting your own throat..no one will ever touch you but you, for the love of god just leave. don't bother writing any more bullshit to me..because you got the messsage--I got your negative opinion.....enough is enough.. if you have a change of heart then sure you can write but forget about sparring with me..you can't win and its a waste of time..its way way too late in the game and right now your just a walking pile of crap. just get something to do with your life that is positive...heres an idea..THINK FOR YOURSELF...in your hatred of Maharaji you only prove how real it is..so think of something new, something that brings on the positive... quit your evil ways your a disgrace to everything good..its too late for us to be friends but its not too late for you to let go of the bag of crap your carrying that is stinking up the place..your all cowards and I carry that to my grave fully responsible for what I say. Now just fucking leave..dirt ball..your dead weight..I don't want you around...just find the strength to let go of the hurt..and stop sperading your noise..quit yer whining ..your life as it stands is less than useless..your blocking the hope for this Planet..you'll be sorry..but remember...It's never to late to mend. WE ARE ALL THE FUCKING SAME ASSHOLE GET FUCKING REAL!!!! DO IT FUCKBAG!!! prembio wrote: > > > sjm wrote: > > > Do IT....LEAVE...You Must go Now. Please do yoursel... |
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