Philistines, all of you
Posted by:
Kelly ®

02/01/2006, 15:22:10
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It seems to me that you lot are just too clever by half, but you’re the ones that are missing out. To appreciate real poetry you need simplicity of mind , and you need a thirst. In fact I have met more poetic people in my local pub than I will ever meet on this forum.


 I don’t know but it seems to me that you lot are hanging on to that outmoded ”concept” that poetry needs to rhyme and scan and stuff. It’s not as if Prem can’t do that, it s just that he’s outgrown it, he’s matured as an artist. To illustrate my point I have searched out one of his early poems, which I feel sure will help you to truly appreciate a master of his oeuf.


This was printed in India in 1993  in a quarterly  journal called “ Life Force”


The gentle phoenix, that unfolds its wings,

Direct to my heart it flew;

Every door closed it seems;

But real door is open I knew;

In my delight, I forgot to fight;

Drunken with loves own brew.


No sage, no rage told me else;

I did what I had to do.


A glistening thought, that crossed my heart,

Was my love for you.


The love I felt was ever fresh,

Like the morning dew.


With a joyful heart that I depart,

Like the gentle breeze that blew.


Every sojourn must come to an end

So must mine too.



So, you see, he really knows what he’s doing. I have written a customer review which I hope that Amazon will publish. How can 41 out of 43 people wrong. I’m just so glad I don’t belong to a hate group.


It must be hard,


It absolutely must be hard.

To appreciate art

With hate in your heart.

You should be enjoying life

Without no strife



PS. and by the way. Hi folks ( I sound like Bush, never mind) I haven't posted lately, I haven't had much to say, well., not anything actually. But I read here regularly and am so pleased that Mike has started this new forum. This amazon thing is really strange, I just looked and my review is there, for now anyway. Anyway love to old friends


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But real door is open I knew;
Re: Philistines, all of you -- Kelly Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
13 ®

02/01/2006, 15:41:52
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Hi Kelly - nice one!
Re: Philistines, all of you -- Kelly Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

02/01/2006, 15:46:47
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Re: Philistines, all of you
Re: Philistines, all of you -- Kelly Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
wolfie ®

02/02/2006, 02:01:18
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Hi,                P.Rawat the principal, or the mainspeaker writes sugared words for naive people. But my compliment that you have the courage to read on this forum, maybe you'll find heaven in hell here. We are the people your parents will not have warned you for.


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Re: Philistines, all of you
Re: Philistines, all of you -- Kelly Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jethro ®

02/02/2006, 02:06:51
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Hi Kelly,

Drop by when you are in the area.

Love Jethro

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i swear i didn't vote for hamas......
Re: Philistines, all of you -- Kelly Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
toby ®

02/02/2006, 03:56:28
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or did you mean pharisian? ah nah can't be, would mean you might be illiterate.


Modified by toby at Thu, Feb 02, 2006, 03:58:45

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