A feast of M quotes from then through to now….
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/31/2006, 11:30:05
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I stumbled on this site called "quotesplace.com" full of memorable quotations from across the board of interests and occupations – from sports and media people to motivators to gurus and religionists. There’s a whole page of carefully annotated Maharaji stuff from 1962 to 2005 – except this doesn’t look at all like the official handiwork of elan vital – though it must have been put there by some sort of renegade premie, someone too much of a devotee to stay ‘on message’. (See link below.)

Just look at these three for starters, and compare with the outright lies on Wikipedia which state that Maharaji never claimed to be the Lord:

"Who is Guru? The highest manifestation of God is Guru. So when Guru is here, God is here, to whom will you give your devotion? I want that the general should sign some papers. I need not go to his office when he is sitting in my home. Is it necessary to go in his office when his is sitting in my home? When God has come here, then what is the need to give devotion to God there?"

"I declare that I will establish peace in this world. Just give me the reins and let me rule and I will rule in such a way that even Rama, Hariscandra, Krishna and other kings could not have ruled like that! That day is fast approaching. So arise, awake, open the ears of each man and tell him the time has come! Do not tell him that there was a festival. No! Make them understand He has come to reveal the Knowledge, that He has come to show us the True Path, and if you truly give me the reins of your life, I swear by Guru Maharaj Ji, I take an oath on Guru Maharaj Ji, and I swear by my mother who has give me birth, that I will give you peace. If with a true heart you give me the reins of your life, place them in my hands, you will be saved."

"To be here as individuals, and yet to be able to be next to the person who is everything; in which everything is, and he is in everything. Guru Maharaji. The Lord. All powerful."


Modified by Nigel at Tue, Jan 31, 2006, 11:33:39

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Re: A feast of M quotes from then through to now….
Re: A feast of M quotes from then through to now…. -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
toby ®

01/31/2006, 11:39:41
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it is a copy from the wikipedia branch off wikiquote

astonishing yes, jossi and co maintained this too, purporting at the same time rawat was not talking of himself but of his father. you cannot imaging what a twisting circus jossi and zappaz were performing to produce a clean picture of the alcoholic.


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Re: A feast of M quotes from then through to now….
Re: Re: A feast of M quotes from then through to now…. -- toby Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/31/2006, 11:48:11
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Well if that was Jossi's handiwork, it's strange he thinks it enough to muddy the waters around that one quote only, when there are others like this:

  • Question: Do you think that there is only one Perfect Master?
Maharaj Ji: You see –here I want to be very frank –people come to me and ask me about this, and they say, “What is your opinion about a Perfect Master? Is there one, is there two?” I tell them my opinion that there is only one Perfect Master. Because perfectness, is one, not two, not three. So there is only one Perfect Master in this world. And because he is perfect, that’s it..He is perfect. You just can’t divide perfect. "

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Re: A feast of M quotes from then through to now….
Re: Re: A feast of M quotes from then through to now…. -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Andries ®

01/31/2006, 13:59:38
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Most of the Rawat related articles were also edited by me, including this one.


Modified by Andries at Tue, Jan 31, 2006, 13:59:57

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Abbie Hoffman's quote is a riot.
Re: A feast of M quotes from then through to now…. -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/31/2006, 13:30:41
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"If this guy is God, then this is the God that the United States of America deserves."  (1973)

I don't know what tone of voice this was said in, but it doesn't strike me as a thrilled or flattering one!

Of course, now we have the Burning Bush enthroned at the White House--can't believe the Americans deserved that, but what do I know?  (You can fool nearly all of the people, most of the time?)

OK, OK, off-topic.


Modified by shelagh at Tue, Jan 31, 2006, 13:33:21

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You caught the tone exactly right, Shelagh!
Re: Abbie Hoffman's quote is a riot. -- shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/31/2006, 13:57:20
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(Which is another reason I can't see this page being created by Jossi Fresco, who I always imagined was a bit more intelligent than that.)

A disgusted Abbie Hoffman made that comment when fellow Chicago 7 activist, Rennie Davis, signed up with Maharaji.

I know Abbie Hoffman's dead, but I wonder what happened to Rennie Davis?


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Brain dead
Re: You caught the tone exactly right, Shelagh! -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
karenl ®

01/31/2006, 17:47:35
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Re: Brain dead -- karenl Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/31/2006, 21:03:20
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Rennie Davis was a prominent American anti-Vietnam War protest leader of the 1960s. He was one of the Chicago Seven.

Davis was the National Director of community organizing programs (the Economic Research and Action Project, or ERAP, in Ann Arbor, Michigan) for the Students for a Democratic Society. Davis appeared in Chicago for the 1968 Democratic National Convention to appear on a panel with Tom Hayden discussing "a progressive counterbalance to the religious right."

Later, in the early 1970s, he became a notable follower of the Divine Light Mission and its Guru Maharaj Ji (now called Prem Rawat). Davis acted as Maharaj's spokesperson during the DLM's widely-publicized Millennium festival in the Houston Astrodome in November 1973.

Davis later became a venture capitalist and lecturer on meditation and self-awareness. He has appeared on Larry King Live, Barbara Walters, and CNN and provided advise in business strategies for Fortune 500 companies. Davis is the founder of Ventures for Humanity[1], a technology development and venture capital company commercializing breakthrough technologies.

In an article published in the Iowa Source in 2005, Davis said:

If you were to do a survey of what causes misery on earth, it would tend to fall into three broad categories. One, we can call systems: the economy, AIDS, terrorism--things that are 'systems' in nature. The second would be a list of everybody to blame: Bush is the cause of my misery, my ex-wife, my boss. The third would be things that come utterly out of left field: a tornado through town, a tsunami, events that are not in our apparent control. What this huge list would have in common--something everybody would agree with--is that the cause of misery are things outside 'myself'. But the cause of our misery is absolutely, positively not at all what we believe it to be. This is not a new view. Certainly saints and philosophers in every generation have basically argued if you want to change the world, you have to change yourself.

Modified by Nigel at Tue, Jan 31, 2006, 21:05:35

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Re: Yup! -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
T ®

02/01/2006, 01:20:21
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Rennie has renamed his Ventures for Humanity to Foundation for New Humanity. 

See: http://www.prem-rawat-talk.org/forum/posts/949.html

What is with people and foundations?  Everyone seems to be creating one these days.  Probably a tax break or something? Maybe I should check it out for myself as I pay far too too much tax as it is.


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I've been emailing with Rennie Davis
Re: Rennie -- T Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

02/01/2006, 06:01:10
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He promised to look at EPO and write something for the site, but that was some time ago.  I must send him a reminder.


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Re: I've been emailing with Rennie Davis -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Neville B ®

02/01/2006, 08:58:41
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Re: A feast of M quotes from then through to now….
Re: A feast of M quotes from then through to now…. -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Andries ®

01/31/2006, 14:32:39
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This article created the very first and as far as I know the only edit war at the Wikiquote, that is affiliated with Wikipedia.

Not something to be proud of, but quite predictable.


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