Today's latest from Amazon
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/31/2006, 10:38:20
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Here's Amazon's latest to me:

Greetings from

First, let me apologize for the frustration this situation has

I do understand that the line between a critical review and a
spiteful review can be very fine.

However, please understand that we were not censoring your opinion
of the title. As we said in our previous message, you are more than
welcome to critically analyze "Clarity," but we felt your comment
attacked Prem Rawat and any who have read this title, and this is
not appropriate for our review forum.

I am sorry that you feel your review has been singled out or that we
have been protecting this particular author. However, if there are
reviews on our web site that are outside of our guidelines, we will
remove them.

We certainly appreciate your concern and

hope that you will continue
to visit

Best regards,

Peter Customer Service 

And my reply:

Hi Peter ... or Sandeep ... or Jeff.. or whoever might reply to me next time,

I'm sorry but I can't accept your apology when, true to form, it seems like just another superficial and patronizing brush-off.  Tell me, are you getting lots of correspondence from Rawat's followers complaining about reviews like mine?  Are they the squeeky wheel here?  Surely, you know as well as I that there are all sorts of vigorous, scathing reviews of books and authors throughout Amazon.  I've only given you a few examples (which you can't bother to discuss with me specifically) but there are many others.  You know that.

So tell me, is that it?  Are Rawat's followers complaining?  If not, then how is it that you're so on top of reviews of this particular book that cross that "fine line" you're so sensitively aware of when all those other negative reviews go unchecked?

In any event, your comments about my review are entirely unfounded.  If you really look at it, my review gets right into the heart of the "poetry" and deconstructs it, or at least attempts to,
directly and substantively.  Of course I'm going to be critical of Rawat as the whole point of his writing is to seduce people into following his prime cult directive, namely to follow him without question.  Hence his "poetry" dissing questions themselves!  And what?  You can't see this?

If you can't really resolve this for me, perhaps you'll find it easier to communicate with the press.  Your choice.


Jim Heller

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Replies to this message

Re: Today's latest from Amazon
Re: Today's latest from Amazon -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
toby ®

01/31/2006, 11:25:02
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isn't there a way to write to people higher in rank instead of these wimpy guys?


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....people higher in rank.......
Re: Re: Today's latest from Amazon -- toby Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
PatD ®

01/31/2006, 12:20:42
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Maybe they are the problem, not the wimpy guys.

A couple of years ago I read an article which was highly critical of Amazon. Not critical from the pov of their customers, who of course get A1 treatment, which is one of the reasons why the company has been so successful, but from the pov of the employees.

In essence it's run like a cult. I can't now recall any of the specific details which the writer used to make his case, but at the time I remember nodding in agreement.

Now, just for the sake of shooting the breeze, imagine if the arch-creep Pascotto & his ghastly mate Gallwey & their Motivational Training Company, had been retained by Amazon at some point to get the peons just lurrrving their poxy minimum wage jobs..........then who knows how a relationship like that might pan out, & to whose benefit.

I'm not saying that this is the case, just that it doesn't seem outlandish.

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somethings fishy thats for sure
Re: ....people higher in rank....... -- PatD Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

01/31/2006, 13:17:25
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The scary thing is it is really hard to get the press to care about Rawat he is such a has been. Remember the Miami Dade College thing. I remember being absolutely dumbstruck that a leader in a college I had actually been to and had helped me to begin escaping the cult would support him. Here is this cult leader who really flat out STOLE college educations from so many of us, well, duped people into donating trust funds and giving up scholarships and the cult seemed to have the Eduardo guy in their pocket. It made me ill. Did the Miami Herald give a hoot? Nope. I don't think thats because the issue wasn't legitimate its just been too long since Rawat was well known. Frankly, when he kicks the bucket I would be suprised if his obit is in the press.


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Re: somethings fishy thats for sure
Re: somethings fishy thats for sure -- Susan Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

01/31/2006, 14:00:33
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Hi Susan,

Amazon is a corporation that has one goal:  making money.  Period.  I read a book by former Amazon employee, Mike Daisey, a self-described dillettant, titled 21 Dog Years, Doing Time at  I found it hilarious. 

Daisey's book is reviewed on the Amazon page below by "Customer Service @ Amazon" where Daisey's called a liar!

LOL. Go figure.

Related link: The book at (oops!) Amazon

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I'm going to read that!
Re: Re: somethings fishy thats for sure -- Cynthia Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

01/31/2006, 15:22:18
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That sounds really interesting thanks!

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It broke my heart but I finally had to say goodbye
Re: Today's latest from Amazon -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/31/2006, 17:26:29
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Just a short while ago, I got this:
Thank you for writing to us at

Customer reviews are typically removed from the web site
for only two reasons: either the review was not within our
guidelines, or the author of the review requested its removal.

Due to our strict customer confidentiality policy, we can discuss
the status of any review only with the person who wrote the review.

I hope you will understand the importance of our security measures
despite any disappointment this may cause.

Thank you for shopping at

Best regards,

Peter Customer Service 
which prompted what will likely be my final email to Amazon:
You should be proud of your ability to say next to nothing at all in such self-satisfied tones.  Perhaps you're paying me back for a time you unsuccessfully tried to return a lemon used car.  Did they stonewall you then like you're doing me?  I feel for you, Pete.  That must have been very frustrating and, although of course it wasn't my fault, I do apologize that your shopping experience was even slightly disappointing. 
But then again, maybe I'm jumping the gun here.  Maybe you're just a bit of software Amazon runs for pesky whiners like me, huh?  If I invited you to my birthday party, would you be able to come, Pete?  Or would I just get an e-card from the Customer Service program ("Pete"?
Relax, you don't have to answer that because, Pete, ol' pal, I'm sorry but there won't be any invitation.  After all, even if you are a real person it's clear that we'd have nothing much to talk about.  You'd just end up sitting on your hands in the corner nervously wondering if Amazon company policy allowed you to have a piece of cake and a small glass of coke.  I wouldn't do that to you, Pete.  Not after all we've been through, you and I.
Anyway, I guess I'll have to turn elsewhere to pursue this. 
Thanks for all your help.
Best regards and yes, you're most welcome for my shopping at,

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