On a lighter note....
Posted by:
Premie_Spouse ®

01/30/2006, 14:23:39
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Okay, so maybe "lighter" is the wrong word.  Has anybody seen a recent picture of BellyRoll Rawat?  Wow.  I am assuming some of the shots in the "Keys" are fairly new.  Yikes, really scary.  He looks bad, I mean, really bad.  Where are Edd and John?  Aren't they his doctors?  If I were his doc, I want to know what the hell he'd been doing to make himself look like that.  Wow.  Did he have that new Hollywood procedure.....what is it?  Bloat-ox?

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A midlife's tale...
Re: On a lighter note.... -- Premie_Spouse Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Larkin ®

01/30/2006, 15:48:33
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Life can be tough for a Lord of Creation
Faced with the prospect of sexual stagnation
The spread round the middle, the calories mounting
Those pants getting larger, cholesterol counting
The wife has a headache - or is it a lover?
You take to the bottle those urges to smother
And dream of a mission as wanton as Krishna’s
Entwined in the arms of your lady parishioners...

So pack me a chillum and pour the tequila
If anyone asks, you just tell ‘em it’s lila
Although I’ve the best that one man could afford
- I still need me a friend who will pimp for the Lord...

To some it may look like mere sexual predation
A darshan too far, just to ease my frustration
And my style of dating might not be the norm
But – hell – don’t they worship my physical form?
And if middle-age fears of erectile dysfunction
Are not aided much by the long, liquid luncheon
If I’m no Adonis when fully undressed
The size of my wallet still leaves them impressed…

So pack me a chillum and pour the tequila
If anyone asks, you just tell ‘em it’s lila
Although I’ve the best that one man could afford
- just give me a guy who will pimp for the Lord...

The house it looks good and the kids doin fine
The gardens are fruitful, the cellar has wine
The cook knows his olives, the wife knows her place
But – shit – the true Master still needs his own space
So fix me a suite in a five star hotel
Make sure that she’s blonde and is pretty as hell
And if she’s distressed by my sudden exposure
Make sure she’s signed something about non-disclosure…

Then pack me a chillum and pour the tequila
If anyone asks, you just tell ‘em it’s lila
Although I’ve the best that one man could afford
- God send me a mug who will pimp for the Lord...

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Bravo Larkin - well done. LOL!
Re: A midlife's tale... -- Larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Bunny ®

01/30/2006, 16:43:51
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Good one!
Re: A midlife's tale... -- Larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/30/2006, 16:48:27
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How nice!


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Larkin, this is one of your best!
Re: A midlife's tale... -- Larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

01/30/2006, 17:13:30
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Rhyming 'parishioners' with 'Krishna's' is poetry in lotion.

'erectile dysfunction' with 'long, liquid luncheon' is also not bad!


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Yes, excellent, but maybe a tad, well..
Re: A midlife's tale... -- Larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Anthony ®

01/30/2006, 17:18:55
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vieux jeu?

I mean, the blondes and such, wasn't that rather some time back?

He's had one mistress for about ten years, and seems contented with her.

Is this a re-post of earlier oeuvre?

In any case, very enjoyable as always.

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Yes, you may be right, Anthony
Re: Yes, excellent, but maybe a tad, well.. -- Anthony Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/30/2006, 17:25:06
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Perhaps the Lord's slowing / settling down a bit.  But here's where poetic licence is bona fide.  It's the spirit of the song that moves me. 

Anyway, why don't we all just meet in the land of answers and forget these pesky questions?  (Sorry for the question!)

See you there!

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The Big Rock Candy Mountain
Re: Yes, you may be right, Anthony -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Anthony ®

01/30/2006, 18:13:35
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'Anyway, why don't we all just meet in the land of answers and forget these pesky questions?  (Sorry for the question!)

See you there!'

God, Jim, that's almost, like, satsang.

So what exactly is the land of answers, my old brother?

Can you define it more closely, I'm not sure I got it.

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Didn't mean to get you so excited, Anthony
Re: The Big Rock Candy Mountain -- Anthony Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/31/2006, 00:35:30
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Yes that was a bit satsangy, wasn't it?  Shiver

Honestly, I was just picking it up from Rawat.  Monkey see ...

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vieux jeu? Je ne sais pas, vieux jejunes ...
Re: Yes, excellent, but maybe a tad, well.. -- Anthony Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
cq ®

01/30/2006, 17:47:46
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WOW that was great do you think you can publish and sell on Amazon?
Re: A midlife's tale... -- Larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

01/30/2006, 18:01:56
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They have sold way worse poetry I'm told.

Really great !

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OK, you can be my agent, Susan. We'll call it 'Claretty...'
Re: WOW that was great do you think you can publish and sell on Amazon? -- Susan Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Larkin ®

01/31/2006, 15:38:38
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I can't wait to see the reviews on Amazon
Re: OK, you can be my agent, Susan. We'll call it 'Claretty...' -- Larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Neville B ®

01/31/2006, 16:24:52
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Re: A midlife's tale... -- Larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

01/31/2006, 03:08:18
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Voice recording of this one needed I think
Re: A midlife's tale... -- Larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
hamzen ®

01/31/2006, 05:09:43
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Likin the street tone creeping in, nice 1 fella

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Too much, Larkin! Very funny...
Re: A midlife's tale... -- Larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/31/2006, 13:11:17
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 Thanks for a good laugh on this otherwise very gray, very cold Midwest day!


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Thanks to all for kind comments above...
Re: Too much, Larkin! Very funny... -- shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Larkin ®

01/31/2006, 16:01:14
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...glad you liked it.  It's a very cold, grey, January day in the back streets of Liverpool too. 

On days like these I find inspiration and solace in the words of Shri Someone-or-other, who addressed his devotees thus:


I got this one message for you.
You work, you work, for years and years.
You're always on the go. You never take a minute off.
Too busy makin' dough. Someday you say you'll have your fun.
And when you're a millionaire...
Imagine all the fun you'll have
In your old rocking chair

>Grandpa & Ghosts:

Enjoy yourselves
It's later than you think
Enjoy yourself
While you're still in the pink
The years go by
As quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Pah pah pah dam pah
Pah pah pah dam pah
Pah pah pah dam pah
You're worried when the weather's cold
You're worried when it's hot (When it's hot!)
You're worried when you're doing well
You're worried when you're not (When you're not!)
This worry, worry all the time
You don't know how to laugh (Ah ah!)
They'll think of something funny
When they'll write your epitaph
Enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Enjoy yourself
While you're still in the pink
The years go by
As quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Pah pah pah dam pah
Pah pah pah dam pah
Enjoy yourselves
It's later than you think
Enjoy yourself
While you're still in the pink
The years go by
As quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Another birthday's here and gone
You turned another page
And suddenly you realize
That you reached middle age.
Just think of all the time you've missed
Has made you kind of sad
It's better to have had your wish
Than to have wished you had!
Enjoy yourselves
It's later than you think
Enjoy yourself
While you're still in the pink
The years go by
As quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
It's later than you think...

Modified by Larkin at Tue, Jan 31, 2006, 19:29:36

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Re: Thanks to all for kind comments above... -- Larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

02/02/2006, 11:20:03
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Hi Larkin!  That's my point of origin on this particular planet in this particular lifetime!  1940 wasn't the best choice of time though!  I'll do it differently next time--a nice spread in Northhamptonshire, I think--functional parents, a reasonable income, a successful career, and NO CULTS! 

Not that Liverpool is that bad--hey, it produced John Lennon!  Same year, same hospital, they mixed us up as babies and well...

Say hello to Toxteth for me, and tell 'em I made it out alive!



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Liverpool - love it to bits..
Re: Liverpool! -- shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
larkin ®

02/03/2006, 18:37:43
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'Oh Liverpool Lou, lovely Liverpool Lou
Why don't you behave just like other girls do'?

So you're a proper Scouser then, She?

Unlike me - I've been here 23 years and love it, but am a Southerner and still talk like one, know worra mean, like?

Know Toxteth well - lived on Sefton Drive for two years, cycling down Prince's Ave to work every day getting pelted with random objects by idle youths kicking around bus stops as I passed.  (Pete Kavanagh's on Edgerton Street is one of my all-time favourite hangouts - as hamzen and JHB can testify).

I've even played at the Cavern (seriously), but had to stop when they let the punters in...

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Re: Liverpool - love it to bits..
Re: Liverpool - love it to bits.. -- larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Dermot ®

02/04/2006, 14:15:26
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Know Toxteth well - lived on Sefton Drive for two years, cycling down Prince's Ave to work every day getting pelted with random objects by idle youths kicking around bus stops as I passed. 

De do dat doh, don’t de…...in marezeside

Modified by Dermot at Sat, Feb 04, 2006, 14:20:35

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Not quite, its: 'Dey do dat doh, don’t de doh?'
Re: Re: Liverpool - love it to bits.. -- Dermot Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

02/04/2006, 15:34:47
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Modified by Nigel at Sat, Feb 04, 2006, 15:39:15

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Yeah, that's it ...
Re: Not quite, its: 'Dey do dat doh, don’t de doh?' -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Dermot ®

02/04/2006, 15:38:16
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I think it's the Irish influence..
Re: Yeah, that's it ... -- Dermot Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Dermot ®

02/04/2006, 15:52:14
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" th" not common in gaelic and then not used much, if ever, in " Irish" English...and then passed across the sea to the pool.

That's what I reckon, anyway.

Modified by Dermot at Sat, Feb 04, 2006, 15:53:23

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Proper scouser
Re: Liverpool - love it to bits.. -- larkin Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

02/05/2006, 13:17:33
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Well, not quite because I was hustled out of there when I was two--thee war, y'know--and spent some time in the idyllic pastures of Eccleshill, Yorkshire.  EE by gum!  From thence to Hertfordshire where people had a good laugh at my strange northern brogue and I dropped it as soon as I could!  But I have a cousin whom I love dearly who looks and talks like Paul MaCartney!  Does that count?...

(And by the way, Liverpool is the true capital of Ireland!)

Now I've gone and done it, havent I???

~it's our She

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