Sufficient evidence of Amazon string-pulling by elan vital.
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/28/2006, 10:18:16
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Compare these two versions of Jonny Jones’ review of Prem Rawat’s ‘Clarity’ on the Amazon book review site. The passages in square brackets disappeared between Thursday and Friday. By Saturday, the review had disappeared completely.


Thursday, January 26, 2006:

>Reviewer: Jon Jones "Jonny" (Liverpool, England) - See all my reviews


I think poetry at school is boring especially the stuff I have to study for my G C S E but this is really good. [My parents are followers of Prem Rawat but have never put any pressure on me]. I think Prem Rawat is really good and I think that it would be a good idea if they had things like this in school. It shows you how you should live your life and how to be really happy because happiness is not because you have things in this world. It is a state that you feel because it doesn't matter if you are hungry like in Africa as Prems (whos real name is Guru Maharaji) father said. All you need is knowledge. If you ask for food when you are starving and someone gives it to you it won't help because you will be hungry again tomorrow but with Knowledge you will be fullfilled. Thats why Rem Rawat concentrates on how you feel inside and not on things of this world because this world is just an illusion and that is made clear in his poetry book. [But not in an obvious way because Prem Rawat doesn't want people to know that he is the reincarnation of Jesus and Buddha. Of course he is as all the people who love him and his book know. And he says that in the wonderful Lord of the Universe video]. My Uncle Jagdeo (who is one of his closest followers) used to read me these poems at bedtime before he put us to bed and he always said how important they were when he tucked us in. Jagdeo was right and Prem Rawat is the best poet I have read.

Friday, January 27, 2006:

>Reviewer: Jon Jones "Jonny" (Liverpool, England) - See all my reviews

I think poetry at school is boring especially the stuff I have to study for my G C S E but this is really good. [...] I think Prem Rawat is really good and I think that it would be a good idea if they had things like this in school. It shows you how you should live your life and how to be really happy because happiness is not because you have things in this world. It is a state that you feel because it doesn't matter if you are hungry like in Africa as Prems (whos real name is Guru Maharaji) father said. All you need is knowledge. If you ask for food when you are starving and someone gives it to you it won't help because you will be hungry again tomorrow but with Knowledge you will be fullfilled. Thats why Rem Rawat concentrates on how you feel inside and not on things of this world because this world is just an illusion and that is made clear in his poetry book. [...] My Uncle Jagdeo (who is one of his closest followers) used to read me these poems at bedtime before he put us to bed and he always said how important they were when he tucked us in. Jagdeo was right and Prem Rawat is the best poet I have read.




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Replies to this message

I wrote Amazon about this and this is what they say
Re: Sufficient evidence of Amazon string-pulling by elan vital. -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/28/2006, 12:13:23
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Dear Mr. Heller,

Thank you ONCE AGAIN for your interest in what is essentially none of your business.  As I or one of my fellow faceless colleagues explained to you before, we enjoy your business as we enjoy all business.  We are in the business of enjoying your business and we are big. Big enough to wear a name like "Amazon" with pride.  Big enough to only reply to people like you with an officious patronizing tone.  And that's big.

You have asked me how a review was apparently editted without the author of that review's involvement.  Here at Amazon we attempt to answer all our customers' questions within two business days.  I trust that you find this satisfactory.  If not, please follow the link below.


Jonathan Norberg

Customer Handling

Modified by Jim at Sat, Jan 28, 2006, 12:13:39

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Jim he really wrote that to you?
Re: I wrote Amazon about this and this is what they say -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

01/28/2006, 12:20:43
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Did you ever read the John Grisham book where the hero lawyer makes the insurance company man read what he wrote....?

This isn't a joke? That's awful.

I think I would like to see if there is a way I could get a grand total of all I have spent at Amazon. I am a big customer. Barnes and Noble is looking good.

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No, that was just a joke -- but I did send this just now
Re: Jim he really wrote that to you? -- Susan Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/28/2006, 12:40:20
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Your Name:Jim Heller
Your E-mail 
Subject:Feedback to  

This is for Jonathan Norberg with whom I have been recently corresponding regarding Amazon's deletion of my critical review of Prem Rawat's book "Clarity"

Dear Mr. Norberg:

 As I mentioned in my last email which you have not yet answered, Aamzon is obviously protecting Prem Rawat (a/k/a Maharaji a/k/a The Lord of the Universe), a decidedly notorious cult leader, from fair scrutiny and criticism. I had mentioned that your company treats other controversial texts with an entirely different standard. One example I'd noticed was "The Protocols of Zion". I've just now noticed your company's statement regarding that book where you clearly state that your justification for selling the book is inextricably tied to your proud protection of readers' rights to comment on it. I won't get into the merits of that rather transparently self-serving and specious rationalization. My only point is that, even on your own terms, you are clearly running interference for Rawat for some reason.

Here, though, in case you haven't read it, is how your company justifies selling anything, no matter how offensive:

 "Editorial Reviews A special note from April 6, 2000 As some readers may be aware, a hoax e-mail has been circulating widely that falsely claims has favorably reviewed this book. This allegation is, of course, absolutely untrue.

Nevertheless, this rumor has become so widespread on the Internet that it's already a recognized "urban legend," just like alligators living in the sewers. obviously does not endorse The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. This book is one of the most infamous, and tragically influential, examples of racist propaganda ever written. It may be useful to some as a tool in the teaching of the history of anti-Semitism, but it's unquestionably propaganda. Does sell this book? Of course we do, along with millions of other titles. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is classified under "controversial knowledge" in our store, along with books about UFOs, demonic possession, and all manner of conspiracy theories. You can also find books in other sections of's online bookstore that analyze The Protocols' fraudulent origins and its tragic historical role in promoting anti-Semitism and Jewish persecution, including A Lie and a Libel: The History of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

 Should sell The Protocols and other controversial works? As a bookseller, strongly believes that providing open access to written speech, no matter how hateful or ugly, is one of the most important things we do. It's a service that the United States Constitution protects, and one that follows a long tradition of booksellers serving as guardians of free expression in our society. Not all countries view these issues the same way. And one of our greatest challenges is to work cooperatively with other governments to respect their laws without compromising our core values of free expression and free exchange of information--values that the Internet embodies on a global scale. Nevertheless, believes it is censorship not to sell certain books because we believe their message repugnant, and we would be rightly criticized if we did so. Therefore, we will continue to make this book and other controversial works available in the United States and everywhere else, except where they are prohibited by law.

Furthermore, because we strongly believe that the appropriate response to repugnant speech is not censorship, but more speech, we will continue to allow readers, authors, and publishers to express their views about the books and other products we offer on our Web site.

We hope we have eliminated any confusion surrounding this book. If you happened to be one of the many who received the infamous e-mail, we would appreciate it if you would pass this along to your friends. It is very hurtful to everyone at to be accused of racism. Thank you for your consideration."

(I have high-lighted the relevant portion).

Unless and until you can explain to me how my review does not follow your ballyhooed protection of the right for readers to express themselves openly, I will assume that you have some ulterior motive and will indeed follow through with my threat to seek some media attention for this.


Jim Heller

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Great Jim, thanks
Re: No, that was just a joke -- but I did send this just now -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Anna ®

01/28/2006, 14:18:25
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I really think it's worth perisisting with this, and thanks for putting in the necessary time and effort. I don't think Amazon should get away with it!

And if they refuse to put all the negative 'Clarity' reviews back on their website, then the press should be told about it too. Let me know if I can do anything to help this end, if it reaches that stage.

May be Rawat will find himself in the press again, but for all the wrong reasons.....!!

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Same here
Re: Jim he really wrote that to you? -- Susan Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Premie_Spouse ®

01/28/2006, 14:24:21
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I, too, have spent many hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars at Amazon over the years.  I'll hate to leave them, but I can't support them given these circumstances.

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very well put Jim
Re: Jim he really wrote that to you? -- Susan Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

01/28/2006, 17:22:41
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Excellent letter I hope they look hard at the situation and put your review back.

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I am glad it was a joke but I thought it might have been true
Re: I wrote Amazon about this and this is what they say -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

01/28/2006, 15:24:59
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I would hope if someone really wrote something like that to a customer they would be fired.

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Here's my Sunday answer from them and my new reply
Re: I wrote Amazon about this and this is what they say -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/29/2006, 17:22:21
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Dear Sandeep,

How dare you send me this empty, patronizing response?  The issue which you have avoided as have all your colleagues I've had the displeasure of wasting my time with so far, is whether or not Amazon is treating Prem Rawat's work differently than other controversial books.  What's wrong?  Are you afraid to actually have that conversation?  It sure seems that way.

Perhaps, as I speculated before, Amazon has some sort of business relationship with the Rawat cult.  I know that they have an interest in a large text-book buying company.  Perhaps Amazon's affected somehow. Or maybe Rawat has one of his cult members on your staff.  It wouldn't be the first time.

But your reply here is really no reply at all.  Indeed, you should be ashamed at yourself for even bothering to send me such a non-response.  If we were discussing this together personally, Sandeep, and actually having a discussion, you might finally open up and speak frankly about this whole review business.  This way, though, you're just hiding behind your computer and sending me stupid, non-responsive garbage.  I'm getting the word out about this. 

Not only will I never buy a book from Amazon again, I will make it a goal of mine to enlighten others about your hypocritical protection of a cult leader and general untrustworthiness which is, in fact, the impression this experience leaves me with.  I have already started making press inquiries and will hopefully find a reporter, perhaps at one of the literary journals, who'll find this story worth investigating.  If you think your stonewalling brings and end to this story, you're mistaken.

With no reason to respect you at all, I remain,



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"Constructive comments and feedback", my foot!!!
Re: Here's my Sunday answer from them and my new reply -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/30/2006, 08:21:03
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Thanks for pursuing this, Jim!  I have seen so many negative and even borderline abusive reviews on Amazon. com over the years, since I use it frequently in my library work!  I just can't believe this "we only want constructive comments and feedback" stuff!

Granted they are in the business of selling books, but they've been offering a forum for a HUGE variety of reviews over the years--(some almost illiterate, some offered by authors who'd clearly never read the book in question, some taking issue with other reviewers, and some definitely discussing the author and their lifestyle and ideas!).  They are going to have to do a massive clean-up campaign if all the reviews are now going to be only those that are "constructive".  Obviously "constructive" doesn't necessarily imply agreement, but still, this is so hypocritical in light of what's been happening with the reviews of Rawat's book!

Keep us posted!  And "vive la verite!"


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"Uncle Jagdeo"???
Re: Sufficient evidence of Amazon string-pulling by elan vital. -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/28/2006, 16:19:41
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That's not THE Jagdeo, is it?  There's enough to shudder about, without an Uncle Jagdeo putting us to bed!


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Re: "Uncle Jagdeo"???
Re: "Uncle Jagdeo"??? -- shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

01/29/2006, 04:30:46
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I think it is a barbed comment, to escape the Amazon censors and appear cute, but to us in the 'know' I think it definitely refers to *the* Jagdeo - the one and only.

I thought it was quite clever.

-- Mike

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