Completely unbelievable (if you're sick of Amazon, don't read this)
Posted by:
Premie_Spouse ®

01/27/2006, 17:09:13
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Folks, this is about Amazon, so if you're sick of hearing it, please skip this post.  I was just over at Amazon, and out of morbid curiosity, looked at "Clarity".  It's down to 41 reviews and everything negative, except the one posted by Thomas on January 5th, is gone.  I also don't find Will's or Mr. Lynq's, though maybe I just missed them.  Sorry to bring this up again, but it's making me sick!  How can they get by with it?  Maybe it's more disturbing since I live with rawat and his influence every damn day and this is like, that last straw.  Anybody have any ideas who to contact?  Don't the premies realize how they are proving what a cult it actually is?  Good lord!      

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Don't apologize -- this is what's happening right now
Re: Completely unbelievable (if you're sick of Amazon, don't read this) -- Premie_Spouse Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/27/2006, 17:14:24
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I was just about to respond to Nigel's most interesting post about probability when I read yours first.

Premie-spouse, and anyone else interested in being heard on the matter, I suggest that you perhaps follow the complaint link in my post below and share your thoughts with Mr. Norberg, perhaps cc'ing any one else you can think of who's managerial at Amazon.  (And please post your correspondence, to and from, if that suits you).

I'm serious about this being worthy of media interest and I think we should look for some if Amazon doesn't back off.  But for now, it would be nice if they saw that there are indeed a number of committed, intelligent adults as exercised as we are over this injustice.

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Re: Don't apologize -- this is what's happening right now
Re: Don't apologize -- this is what's happening right now -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Premie_Spouse ®

01/27/2006, 17:17:46
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Thanks, Jim.  I'll follow that link and write to him.  I've read dozens of very negative reviews at Amazon, both about the material and the author and even other reviewers!  How can they do this?  I am truly beginning to think there is a premie inside the review process at Amazon.    

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[post deleted by author]
Re: Re: Don't apologize -- this is what's happening right now -- Premie_Spouse Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/27/2006, 17:50:29
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[deleted post - can't explain right now]

Modified by Nigel at Fri, Jan 27, 2006, 17:56:49

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Not all negative reviews have gone... try this:
Re: [post deleted by author] -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/27/2006, 18:05:26
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A review of Clarity by Prem Rawat.
Text, art and design by Prem Rawat
Published by Prem Rawat.
Available from Prem Rawat Foundation.

I have read this book twice. As a lover of poetry, I thought that perhaps I'd missed something the first time through and that I should give it another chance. No, to my dismay I find my first impressions were correct.
Reviewing the poetry in this title requires a thesaurus. Banal, bland and insipid can't possibly do justice to the total lack of content in this writing. One continues to hope for something, but is continually disappointed.
The art would be excusable, perhaps, if an eight year old had rendered it. It is so bad as to be embarrassing. That anyone would put their name to it boggles the mind.

Posted, to the best of my understanding, in accordance with Amazon's established "Review Guidelines".
Thomas Kleitzman

Modified by Nigel at Fri, Jan 27, 2006, 19:59:04

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It's gone now
Re: Not all negative reviews have gone... try this: -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Premie_Spouse ®

01/29/2006, 14:00:32
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It's gone now.  I've been watching it, waiting for it to disappear.  It did.  The people at Amazon are protecting rawat.  What the hell is going on over there?   They've lost me permanently as a customer.  

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Another one bites the dust...
Re: It's gone now -- Premie_Spouse Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/29/2006, 14:39:47
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Jeez! - there is definitely a corrletaion between comments posted here and the imminent deletion of highlighted threads over there.  Don't tell me for one moment there is no input from elan vital in these decisions.  That Kleitman piece (I've no idea who he is) is a perfectly straight, above board sort of review, the same as you might get for any book.  No trickery or axes to grind - just comment on the work itself.

I can't work out what is happening with Amazon, if it isn't to do with financial incentive or legal threats.


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They've lost me as a customer
Re: Another one bites the dust... -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/29/2006, 16:07:34
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I'll still need Amazon for my work scene--for quick info on what's in print, what a book's title is, who published it, isbn numbers and so forth (actually, I might get by with i-page)--but the reviews will be taken with a GREAT deal of salt from now on.  Obviously there IS no objectivity about that in some instances, at least.

I certainly won't be ordering anything more from them--even though they did something nice over the holiday season by sending a percentage of every book ordered to Nami (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill). I can send direct donations to Nami, so no problem.

 I'm sure there are many good people on the Amazon staff--it only takes one rotting apple....grrrrr


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Are any of these people premies?
Re: They've lost me as a customer -- shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

01/29/2006, 16:10:59
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Here are the officers and directors of Amazon - does anyone know if any of them are premies?  If so, that might explain what's happening.


Related link: Amazon Top People

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Maybe they have old allies in the firm
Re: Are any of these people premies? -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Bunny ®

01/29/2006, 16:54:57
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I wonder if the old Amtex gang have anything to do with this - Chuck Nathan and his fellow book-worms?  They were hardly in the Amazon league but they did get around.

Amazon could lose a lot of customers through this; in common some other posters here I and my family have spent thousands with them.  Active cult members aren't exactly big readers either.

Perhaps Amazon would benefit from some free publicity to help them sort their ethics out?


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This IS surprising
Re: Completely unbelievable (if you're sick of Amazon, don't read this) -- Premie_Spouse Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Will ®

01/30/2006, 09:32:27
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I am surprised by this turn of events.    I've never experienced censorship so closely, and now I'm seeing how really ugly it is.  For this situation to be happening in 2006 and with such a company as Amazon is really a very unpleasant surprise.

It seems to me that the problem here should be very easy for Amazon to deal with.  (1) They sell controversial books. (2) They allow the public to submit critiques.  Therefore, there should be very little editorial control by Amazon, other than the deletion of threatening and illegal remarks, and a certain limit to the number of critiques.  Simple.

Is Amazon really responding to intimidation by Elan Vital?  If this is the case, I have to agree that a media expose of the situation would be interesting - the story might interest a television news magazine.  Their interest, of course, would be because of Amazon (which is giant), not Elan Vital (which is too small).  And of course the book in question, Clarity, is SO utterly beside the point!! 

I think 20/20 and Dateline should at least be notified.

Modified by Will at Mon, Jan 30, 2006, 09:58:38

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Re: This IS surprising -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Premie_Spouse ®

01/30/2006, 09:38:20
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I agree totally with Will. Please let me know how I can help.

Modified by Premie_Spouse at Mon, Jan 30, 2006, 10:49:48

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Amazon wants to sell books no matter what crap it is......
Re: This IS surprising -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
toby ®

01/30/2006, 11:16:26
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you cannot expect from a company that was founded to make a lot of money to work with democratic measure. It is the ugly face of greed that Rawat can count on there, no matter if they have a trojan horse sitting inside or not.


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... and newspapers want to sell newspapers. Or are THEY implicated in this too?
Re: Amazon wants to sell books no matter what crap it is...... -- toby Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
cq ®

01/30/2006, 13:47:39
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If presented in the "right" way, this is a story about corporate
corruption that some papers would ... PAY GOOD MONEY FOR!!!

Haahahhhah - oops -

...sssshhhhhhhhhhhh ...

Modified by cq at Mon, Jan 30, 2006, 13:49:21

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Protection of sales doesn't get near explaining it, toby..
Re: Amazon wants to sell books no matter what crap it is...... -- toby Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/30/2006, 14:30:25
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Looking for some kind of pattern here, I also wondered whether the books where damning reviews are allowed (Mein Kampf, Protocols of Zion, Dianetics etc.) are only by dead authors, and that Amazon play safe - or safer - with writers who are alive and who might make them more money through sales of the book plus future works.

But, a quick check on the reviews of just one conspiracy-cult theorist David Icke, shows the special protection given to Rawat, does not apply to all living peddlers of preposterous nonsense. Amongst the predictable fawning and praising from Icke’s fan-base there’s plenty of damning stuff:

(BTW: the first review could be used verbatim as a critique of Rawat’s own bathtime fart-bubbles)

‘DAVID ICKE: Tales from the Time Loop: The Most Comprehensive Expos of the Global Conspiracy Ever Written and All You Need to Know to Be Truly Free (Paperback)’


>More than 90% of people think David Fraudster Icke's books are revealing and truthful. How sad. How very very sad. You people are seriously ill if you believe this noted con artist and deceiver is revealing anything other than misdirection and bulldust.

Then again, given how conditioned, programmed and brainwashed society is today people will easily fall for any kook who says something they "feel" is right. No questions asked, Three bags full.

Stay away from this book if you value your sanity. Then again, since most people are braindead already it won't matter much and will just be IcKEing on the cake. hehehe


>Mr David Icke is our resident holographic draco-encoded light stooge who is trying to preach to you lab rats our true intentions. Your fragmented and childish planet with all its fodder are nothing but pieces of flotsam to us and we constantly toy with you from our higher densities like puppets on a string hehe.

Now don't be alarmed since everything we are doing is for your OWN GOOD right down to the probes and blocking out of your consciousness. Our mind-controlled holographic shapeshifters Bush and Co are doing a splendid job in tormenting your planet and will soon have to change hands with a new guard of soulless automatons. All in the name of progress !!!

Ultimately we want your little planet for ourselves so we can wishfully consume everything that swarms since our homeworld here in Orion is a stinking pigpen full of reptile/grey crap.

Once again stooges ... er earthlings, please bow to your master Mr Icke for he is the Sun of God…


QED: There is something going on beyond the protection of sales revenue on Amazon’s part.

But what?


Modified by Nigel at Mon, Jan 30, 2006, 14:53:48

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Re: Protection of sales doesn't get near explaining it, toby..
Re: Protection of sales doesn't get near explaining it, toby.. -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
toby ®

01/31/2006, 01:34:37
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Hmm..., some books and authors definitely live from scandal and opposition, though i do not know exactly if this is the case in your examples. I also think that there must be some personal connection. They probably have used the apostaste defamation chain developed at Wikipedia to show them that we are just a bunch of pathological and disgruntled ex-followers. Imagine, they might use all the self created links at wikipedia to proof how unreliable we are.


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Re: This IS surprising
Re: This IS surprising -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Andries ®

01/30/2006, 12:30:14
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I do not see the problem, just re-write the reviews a bit and then re-submit them.


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Andries, YOUR COMMENTS are what's surprising!
Re: Re: This IS surprising -- Andries Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/30/2006, 14:04:44
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How can you square some of the harsh, damning and far from respectful reviews of other works by cult leaders and the like on Amazon with what they won't allow us to post?  Do you actually say they're being held to the same apparent standard?

Also, I'm curious, how would you re-write the reviews "a bit" without stating the obvious, i.e. that Rawat's a cult leader whose followers worship him as divine?

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Not the problem
Re: Re: This IS surprising -- Andries Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Premie_Spouse ®

01/30/2006, 14:18:53
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Andries, the review posted above by Nigel completely conforms to the guidelines.  It was removed anyway.  What's to rewrite?   And, as so many have pointed out, Amazon is not being consistent.  I have read many reviews at Amazon that were scathing, not only about the material, but about the author and even about other reviewers. Amazon can't have it both ways.  They claim to encourage a diversity of opinion.  As we have seen in recent days, that is crap.  Amazon is completely wrong on this and I would like to know why they are doing it.  I'd like to know if the cult has enough pull for them to get by with it.  That I can tell you, as one who is living in the shadow of the cult daily, is disturbing. 

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Re: Not the problem
Re: Not the problem -- Premie_Spouse Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
toby ®

01/31/2006, 01:38:17
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If the low rank responsible persons do not work sufficiently enough, go and adress their bosses. This is the way it works, they cannot have corrupted the whole business to the top.


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