The dishonest musings of Glen Whittaker
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/26/2006, 19:02:44
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It seems that senior members of the Rawat Cult are using the "Voice for Peace" website as an opportunity to use revisionsim to impune the character of Bob Mishler, who is dead and can't defend himself.  It's very interesting that both he and Jon Hampton, while attacking Mishler, don't say anything negative about Michael Dettmers, who has said a lot more bad stuff about Rawat than Mishler ever did, and even though they quote Dettmers in their attempts to smear Bob.  Maybe because he isn't dead, and can actually respond?  Dunno.  Anyhow, get this latest from Glen.

A change in management

I was working at the grandly named International Headquarters of Maharaji’s work in Denver. It was a time of change, but to me the most significant development was the desire of Bob Mishler, the man in charge at the time, with a charismatic but driven personality, to downplay Maharaji’s role as the teacher to a point of near invisibility.

[Isn't it interesting how Glen spins this.  What Bob Mishler has actually said about this is that Bob was trying to get Rawat to stop playing God and to try to actively deprogram the premies from believing Rawat was God, because most of them did.  Note how Glen dishonestly spins this into suggesting that Mishler was asking for "invisibility" for Rawat.]  Glen continues:

Bob felt this would be much more acceptable to the American mentality. [What is that Glen?  Invisibility? You are a real joke, Glen.]

Maharaji rejected the plan, holding the role of the teacher as essential—that you couldn’t take the teacher out of the equation.

[Actually, according to Bob, Maharaji actually rejected the plan to downplay his "God" role and said something like "what about me?"  Rawat was afraid he would lose the vast income he was getting from the premies if they didn't believe he was divine.  There is no evidence anywhere that Mishler ever suggested Maharaji wasn't to be a "teacher" but he did say Maharaji was lousy at being a teacher, but that is another issue.]

Bob found the rejection hard to take, and he became increasingly unhappy, in the end resigning his role. His successor was Michael Dettmers, who told me Maharaji asked for a message to be sent to Bob saying, “The door that you walked out through goes both ways; you are always welcome to walk back through it.” [And what does Michael Dettmers have to say about Rawat now, Glen?]It was sad, because Maharaji and Bob had enjoyed a good relationship.

Glen Whittaker

[Yes, Glen, very sad, because you are one of the biggest dishonest revisionists around.]

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Modified by Joe at Thu, Jan 26, 2006, 19:08:37

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By the way, Glen Whittaker, you liar, look at this.
Re: The dishonest musings of Glen Whittaker -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/26/2006, 19:14:15
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Here's your Guru Maharaji in 1978.  No, he didn't become invisible, but he did remain God after Bob Mishler left.
Uploaded file
MAYBE.jpg (89.8 KB)  

Modified by Joe at Thu, Jan 26, 2006, 19:17:04

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Don't knock Glen - He supports!
Re: The dishonest musings of Glen Whittaker -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

01/26/2006, 19:16:04
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Glen Whitaker has admitted that the substantive information on is true, which is why no legal action (apart from the copyright action) has been taken to close the site down.  It also explains why no one has informed me of any significant inaccuracies in the content of the website in the over 4 years I've been responsible for the site.

Of course Glen wouldn't dare to question the testimony of anyone still living, and his criticism of Mishler will reach so few people that it is clear its only audience is existing cult members.


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Where did he say that? Do you have it on EPO?
Re: Don't knock Glen - He supports! -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/26/2006, 19:19:01
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Or did the lying Whittaker just say that orally, such that he is not only a liar, he's two-faced as well.

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Re: Where did he say that? Do you have it on EPO?
Re: Where did he say that? Do you have it on EPO? -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

01/26/2006, 19:26:39
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He said it orally when asked why no one is doing anything to stop  This is not on, but I only need the permission of the person who told me to put it there.

Of course he's a liar and two-faced, and he's welcome to sue me if he wants.  But I would prefer that he reflect on the meaning of the word 'truth' and turn his allegiance from 'Master' to truth.


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So, Glen Whittaker is a two-faced liar.
Re: Re: Where did he say that? Do you have it on EPO? -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/26/2006, 19:28:21
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 I doubted very much that Whittaker would have the balls to every say anything critical of his Lord in writing. 

So, I guess you were joking about giving that slimeball credit.

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I have faith in human nature
Re: So, Glen Whittaker is a two-faced liar. -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

01/26/2006, 19:39:19
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Although there was of course a little irony in the subject of my post I do have faith that Glen will have the balls, even if he stays a devotee, to repeat in public what he said in private.

So, Glen, what about it?  Will you confirm that Rawat's drinking, drug use, and his long term affair with Monica is true?


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Re: I have faith in human nature
Re: I have faith in human nature -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Anna ®

01/26/2006, 19:43:32
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And while you're at it Glen, can you also amend the EV website to give an honest account of the past. During the 70's. Do away with all the lies, and tell it like it was. And still is for many premies like yourself who believe that Rawat is the Lord.

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Why do you think he'll do that?
Re: I have faith in human nature -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/26/2006, 19:46:16
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I personally see no reason to believe that.

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You need faith, Joe!
Re: Why do you think he'll do that? -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

01/26/2006, 19:56:15
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Not really, John
Re: You need faith, Joe! -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/26/2006, 20:00:40
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Re: The dishonest musings of Glen Whittaker
Re: The dishonest musings of Glen Whittaker -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Anna ®

01/26/2006, 19:19:40
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Joe, you're absolutely right in all your comments about Glen here. Last time you posted about him, I defended him quite vehemently. That was mistake of mine, and his actions since then have proved to me what a cult victim he really is.

I later regretted that I bothered to defend him, because of certain things that happened after that. There was a knock on effect that I won't go into, but I will say that it shocked and saddened me.

My post at that time caused me quite a few problems, but one thing I really understood is that Glen will compromise his integrity, and loyalty, for sake of the lard.

the desire of Bob downplay Maharaji’s role as the teacher
Since that time M has done this himself anyway. He's no longer the Lord of the Universe, just a plain old Motivational Speaker, which is what Bob wanted Rawat to gravitate towards anyway.

So Rawat took Bob's advice in the end. That is irony.


Modified by Anna at Thu, Jan 26, 2006, 19:24:51

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Glen Whittaker has a history of lying about the past.
Re: Re: The dishonest musings of Glen Whittaker -- Anna Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/26/2006, 19:30:58
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And sometimes it's more lying by omission, but those are lies as well.

He wrote a piece on the old EV website, in which he lied by omission about what happed between 1973 and 1983.

He lied in the Passages Video, or at least allowed his statements to be used as lies, by claiming that Maharaji, in the late 70s, had to get rid of Indian customs, namely saris.  This was all part of the revisionist spin that Maharaji got rid of the Indian traditions (which he largely didn't) and that was the end of the problem.  It wasn't that he was playing God and thousands of people wasted their youth trying to devote their lives to him.  No, it was just a cultural misunderstanding and easly corrected.  That is a lie.

So, as you can tell, this greatly pisses me off, and I take it very personally when someone like Glen lies about my past.

Modified by Joe at Thu, Jan 26, 2006, 19:31:39

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Re: Glen Whittaker has a history of lying about the past.
Re: Glen Whittaker has a history of lying about the past. -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
T ®

01/27/2006, 01:42:20
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For years and years I had to listen to Whittaker saying how much he loved Maharaji and how much he would do for Maharaji due to that love he felt for Maharaji.  It was almost to the point of being 'icky' how much he would drone on and on about his love for Maharaji.

And then in the Passages video Whitakker turns around and says something like 'You know what, I felt respect for Maharaji, but not love for many years, but only now do I feel love for Maharaji.'

One word describes this behaviour - cultoid.


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Re: Glen Whittaker has a history of lying about the past.
Re: Glen Whittaker has a history of lying about the past. -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
toby ®

01/27/2006, 10:44:39
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Maybe being an active part in the mass manipulation gives him some relieve instead of being manipulated passively only. So helping rawat delude and lie to followers and the public is just for the higher ranks of aprentices.


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he didnt even get the name right!
Re: The dishonest musings of Glen Whittaker -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
bill ®

01/27/2006, 00:08:15
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"I was working at the grandly named ----------------International Headquarters of Maharaji’s work in Denver"

Imagine the hell! His life wasted, it is 2005, and he still is clutching rawat despite all good sense here on the forum and epo

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Jossi purports Mishler was fired, Glen said he resigned, how do they twist that straight again?
Re: The dishonest musings of Glen Whittaker -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
toby ®

01/27/2006, 07:17:11
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