Prempal's encounter with the River Ganges
Posted by:
Gallery ®

01/26/2006, 07:11:50
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A little bit of forgotten history, forgotten by Prem Rawat of course as what is described by Divine Light Mission way back in 1973 must surely now be a positive embarrassment to him as it describes Rawat in such glowing divine terms.  Divine Light Mission remember where Prem Rawat was the Chief Minister.

Forgotten History

I was particularly amused by the following.

The youngest of the four sons was called Sant Ji or Prempal, “Savior of Love." At his birth the sky lit up in brilliant colors and a sweet music could be heard all around. It is said that when Sant Ji Maharaj, now known as Guru Maharaj Ji, was an infant, Mata Ji used to walk along the River Ganges, holding the baby in her arms.

But she would not go there too often, for on those occasions the waters of that holy river would rise up and envelop her, almost drowning her. The Ganges would rise just until it touched the feel of Sant Ji and then recede back into its channel.

By the way the Gallery is gradually being enhanced by incorporating the text transcript of all the scans for easier reading.  Also some additional content will be uploaded shortly. Many thanks to the person who has been helping me with all this.


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Replies to this message

He was busy back then, that's for sure...
Re: Prempal's encounter with the River Ganges -- Gallery Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Dermot ®

01/26/2006, 09:28:08
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"Now Guru Maharaj Ji is operating two massive world-wide organizations, Divine Light Mission and Divine United Organization, ..."

not forgetting collecting gizmos, cars, watches and inventing things.Wonder if he was writing " poetry " too? Anyway, learning the art of flowcharting would not be far behind.

Modified by Dermot at Thu, Jan 26, 2006, 09:29:08

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this is a MUST for the voiceofpeace website thingi....
Re: Prempal's encounter with the River Ganges -- Gallery Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
toby ®

01/26/2006, 10:05:20
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and then a BIG fish with a turban on his head arose from the waves telling MataJi ,this is the ONE , the great saint. Since then he was called fish ji, aah sorry sant ji of course


Modified by toby at Thu, Jan 26, 2006, 10:10:55

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Re: this is a MUST for the voiceofpeace website thingi....
Re: this is a MUST for the voiceofpeace website thingi.... -- toby Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Kabir ®

01/26/2006, 20:49:30
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Or Gurufilte Fish?

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Fascinating piece of social engineering. Is the author cited?
Re: Prempal's encounter with the River Ganges -- Gallery Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
cq ®

01/26/2006, 14:33:10
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sounds to me like Rennie Davis might have had a hand in the authorship of that piece.

Incidentally, that's one heck of a task you and one other have taken on there, Gallery (a text transcript of all the scans).

If you need a extra couple of 60+wpm hands, just let me know via email to

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Re: Fascinating piece of social engineering. Is the author cited? -- cq Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
13 ®

01/26/2006, 14:47:48
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Surely you are using TextBridge or some other character recognition software forthe transcripts, rather than typing? If not, and you have more to do, let me know. I am pretty sure it would be faster.

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Re: transcripts
Re: transcripts -- 13 Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Gallery ®

01/26/2006, 15:02:13
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Indeed, OCR software is being used.  However many of the scans are in low resolution leading to many errors, requiring correction.

However 13 and cq if you want to help I would very much appreciate it.  What would be really useful is if you could hunt down where and when the Gallery scans were originally published (publication and date) so I can properly attribute the scans. Most of the scans are from Hilltop and he may have attributed most of the scans.  I did spend much time hunting down this detail but many scans are missing such detail.  This will be spread over F8 and F7 (and elsewhere) all of which are still online.

Also if you have any additional material that would be great.

Full details of contact details and how to get scans to me are on the Gallery homepage.

Many thanks


BTW, I updated the Legal Stuff on the Gallery homepage, you may want to become familiar with the terms of the Gallery Website.

Modified by Gallery at Thu, Jan 26, 2006, 15:14:06

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Re: transcripts
Re: Re: transcripts -- Gallery Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
cq ®

01/26/2006, 15:38:39
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"What would be really useful is if you could hunt down where and when the Gallery scans were originally published (publication and date) so I can properly attribute the scans. Most of the scans are from Hilltop and he may have attributed most of the scans.  I did spend much time hunting down this detail but many scans are missing such detail"

Hilltop performed some sterling work just keeping so much of that material - never mind scanning it! But I don't think he made a point of recording where and when the quotes came from. A great pity, if I may say so, 'cos if those quotes are to be taken seriously, then authorship and date of publication are very important, if they're to be cited as evidence. Evidence that Maharaji/Rawat said them, you understand!

Hilltop's your man for that. Definitely.

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I can't imagine Mata Ji "walking" anywhere!
Re: Prempal's encounter with the River Ganges -- Gallery Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/26/2006, 18:49:09
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Let alone every day to the Ganges River.  Right.

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Great site, Gallery.
Re: Prempal's encounter with the River Ganges -- Gallery Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Dermot ®

01/26/2006, 20:02:20
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Re: Prempal's bizarre and illogical encounter with the River Ganges
Re: Prempal's encounter with the River Ganges -- Gallery Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Steve ®

01/27/2006, 08:33:47
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It is said that when Sant Ji Maharaj, now known as Guru Maharaj Ji, was an infant, Mata Ji used to walk along the River Ganges, holding the baby in her arms.

But she would not go there too often, for on those occasions the waters of that holy river would rise up and envelop her, almost drowning her. The Ganges would rise just until it touched the feel of Sant Ji and then recede back into its channel.

Let me see if I have this right.

Mata Ji used to walk along the River Ganges holding the infant Sant Ji in her arms, and the Ganges would rise up just until it touched the feet of Sant Ji, almost drowning her, and then it would recede back into its channel.

Well my question is, “How the hell was she holding him?”

If the river would rise up and stop only when it touched the feet of Sant Ji, then logically, Mata Ji would almost be drowned only: 

- if she was holding Sant Ji Maharaj over her head and his feet were at eye level or, 

- if she was holding him upside down. 

If she had been holding the infant like most people do, the water would have stopped at her waist, and being waist deep in water is not almost drowning.

At his birth the sky lit up in brilliant colors and a sweet music could be heard all around.

Brilliant colors huh! Really? Jeez, I wonder if this is bullshit too.

Modified by Steve at Fri, Jan 27, 2006, 08:48:17

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Steve, you fail the test
Re: Re: Prempal's bizarre and illogical encounter with the River Ganges -- Steve Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Dermot ®

01/27/2006, 09:23:43
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of true devotion, big time.

Fancy subjecting devotional utterances to the process of crude, logical thought. It's spiritual vandalism really. You obviously are an unlit match, no two ways about it.

I bet you were a bugger to share Satsang with... and don't ever bother buying " Clarity" it'd be wasted on you.

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Call me an unlit match, but did the Ganges rise, or just bulge?
Re: Steve, you fail the test -- Dermot Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/29/2006, 13:23:52
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Given that...

>'the Ganges River Basin is the most populous river basin in the world. Within its 750,000 square kilometers (km2) live 400 million people. The Ganges River (known as the Ganges-Padma River in Bangladesh) begins in the central Himalayas and flows 2,500 kilometers to the Bay of Bengal...'

I reckon if the 'Ganges watershed', ie, the network of rivers, tributaries and deltas etc., all rose as one - just a few feet - you would have one hell of a tsunami on your hands, by the time they got anywhere near the ocean.  Let us pray the Grace was merciful on those 400 million poor unrealised souls dwelling along the riverbanks.

Modified by Nigel at Sun, Jan 29, 2006, 13:43:24

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