Check this out!
Posted by:
Shelagh ®

01/25/2006, 17:25:14
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Valentine Wishes 2006

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I was about to report you to the Forum Admin!
Re: Check this out! -- Shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

01/26/2006, 01:48:08
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I can't find the image on the Aspirare site - just at

How did you find it?


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Aspirare - some history
Re: I was about to report you to the Forum Admin! -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nik ®

01/26/2006, 07:31:10
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BUSINESS PLAN for ASPIRARE     November 2002

Business Identification and Personnel

Company Name:  ASPIRARE, L.L.C.

            Signature Line: Products carrying a specific quote and/or unique piece of artwork designed to highlight and promote the fundamental strengths inherent with in all people. 

    Ownership:   Monika Winslow and Piera Rossi 

    Project Manager:  Monika Winslow,

    Finance Manager:   Piera Rossi,

    Customers Provided for: 

            • Conference Attendees - ɬan Vital, USA Conference Attendees - IRCC, Australia Conference Attendees - ɬan Vital, England E-Mailing Client List Other Int’l Event Hosting Organizations Internet sales Commercial outlets


    Distributing and Operating Companies:  

    India Only:   Divine United Organization

                            Deepak Raj Bhandari 

    Plan Written by:  Monika Winslow


Financing Contact and

    Business Manager:  Chuck Nathan

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Thanks for the info, Nik!
Re: Aspirare - some history -- Nik Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/26/2006, 13:08:46
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Interesting history.  Hmmm...the website itself is so completely clean of any reference to Rawat and Elan Vital and all that.  No names, no real contact info, nothing.  Eerily anonymous!  But I suppose this is one distinct advantage for those of us who have "been there": we know what this is really about!  More $$$$$ for one who can hardly be said to need more!

It used to be a delicious secret, knowing the inside story--you know--those logos, that music, WE knew what that was really about.  Well, there's a flip side to that coin.

~Shelagh, who's looked at life from both sides now.

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Re: I was about to report you to the Forum Admin!
Re: I was about to report you to the Forum Admin! -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/26/2006, 12:57:01
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Hi John!  It came in my e-mail!  I don't remember ever being signed up to receive this--even as a premie.  So it's mystifying to me too.


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Re: I was about to report you to the Forum Admin!
Re: Re: I was about to report you to the Forum Admin! -- shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nik ®

01/26/2006, 14:18:14
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>I don't remember ever being signed up to receive this--even as a premie.<

Looks from that 'business plan' that Visions simply passed over their contacts list to Aspirare - well what where they to do when the aspirare folks are so well connected ?


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So, now EV and Visions are using SEX to sell over-priced trinkets
Re: Check this out! -- Shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/26/2006, 13:17:58
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For some reason, given all the bad publicity they got for it, I thought Elan Vital and Visions were no longer in the expensive trinket business.

Not only is that not the case, but now the Rawat cult uses blantant sexual (and I might add sexist) images to sell this cheesey and pretentious crap to the cult members, apparently those who are seeking a cheap flavor for the way their cult leader lives.

You know, I never cease to be amazed at the depths this cult will go squeeze more money out of the premies. 

Modified by Joe at Thu, Jan 26, 2006, 19:33:02

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What's next? Prem Rawat Sillhouette Mudflaps?
Re: So, now EV and Visions are using SEX to sell over-priced trinkets -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/26/2006, 13:48:00
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Pretty shameless really isn't it :nt)
Re: What's next? Prem Rawat Sillhouette Mudflaps? -- Jim Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
hamzen ®

01/26/2006, 17:33:48
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Where're the nectar flavoured condoms?
Re: So, now EV and Visions are using SEX to sell over-priced trinkets -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Dermot ®

01/26/2006, 19:33:41
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Re: Where're the nectar flavoured condoms?
Re: Where're the nectar flavoured condoms? -- Dermot Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/26/2006, 19:50:06
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If they had them, they'd also have lotus flowers on them, come in a bone china box, and cost $20, each. 

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500$ "every breath" watch. Anyone left to buy this stuff?
Re: Re: Where're the nectar flavoured condoms? -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
bill ®

01/27/2006, 00:15:23
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Who knows?
Re: 500$ "every breath" watch. Anyone left to buy this stuff? -- bill Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/27/2006, 19:11:51
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I wonder what those Seiko watches cost before they put that cult logo on it?  $150 maybe?  That's about what most Seiko watches cost. 

But there may be some truly indoctrinated premie-types who will pay the additional for a trinket that those they have membership in the earthly kingdom of the living boy-man-pilot-investor-poet God.

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Re: Check this out!
Re: Check this out! -- Shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Anna ®

01/26/2006, 19:00:18
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This is so incredibly cheap and tacky, that even as an ex I find it unbelievable that Rawat could stoop so low.

Linking the words "Life is a Feeling" - a 'spiritual' type quote from Rawat - with an image of a seductive woman, is obviously a double entendre. It really is incredible that they're selling his quotes in this way! Utterly gobsmackingly weird!

Rawat's MOP encourages premies to pursue the highest goals of spirituiality, and he is also, according to premies, renowned for his insight and poetry. Yet, in order to make some more bucks, more MONEY, he's now selling memorabilia using his quotes in such a way as to suggest sex (which, as any advertiser will tell you, is a sure-fire way to achieve sales).

If I wasn't an ex already, this would be a major DRIP.

A classic example of the Lard's amorality.

Thanks Shelagh!

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Gobsmackingly weird, indeed! Thanks Anna! nt
Re: Re: Check this out! -- Anna Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/27/2006, 09:20:35
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