EPO Forum Archive page update - Including Forum 8
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01/25/2006, 16:29:54
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Alert Forum Admin

I've updated the forum archive index page on EPO with the two Anyboards incarnations of Forum 7 and the Forum 8 archive.  I've also added a link to the archives in the intro to this forum.

I must apologise to the PRT technical support department who were much more prompt in restoring the F8 archive after Lunar Pages made it available than I was in putting up a link.

When I rejected Rawat as my Master, I spent a few weeks downloading and reading the forum archives, and I think we were only on Forum 3 at the time.  Anyone exiting now who wants to read the whole history of ex-premies chatting would need to take a year's sabbatical.


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Re: EPO Forum Archive page update - Including Forum 8
Re: EPO Forum Archive page update - Including Forum 8 -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Andries ®

01/25/2006, 16:40:10
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Alert Forum Admin

Thanks for doing that. What temperature is it now in Latvia? Do people skate outdoors there, like they do in the Netherlands?


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Latvian Weather Update (OT)
Re: Re: EPO Forum Archive page update - Including Forum 8 -- Andries Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

01/25/2006, 16:50:40
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It's currently only -6C.  We just had five days of below -20C with the thermometer showing -30C last Friday morning.  It's the coldest I've ever experienced.

Yes, outdoor skating is popular in winter - either on purpose built arenas, or on ponds.  What is funny to see is men sitting in the middle of lakes fishing through holes in the ice!


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Re: Latvian Weather Update (OT)
Re: Latvian Weather Update (OT) -- JHB Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Andries ®

01/27/2006, 13:02:21
Author Profile

Alert Forum Admin

sounds like a dangerous combination: some people make holes in the ice to fish, while others skate.

Unfortunately, no skating here yet. I am suprized by the great difference between e.g. Berlin and Amsterdam: it was about about 20 degrees celsius colder in Berlin and the two cities are not that far apart


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