Hats in the air for Mr Lyng!
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/25/2006, 11:10:31
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It seems the negative reviews which pop up then vanish like the melting snow every other day on Amazon, have worked their magic on a certain Mr or Ms G.Lyng - whoever that might be

Why, 'twas only Friday last that 'G' posted this heart-rending blessing upon the slimy one and all his works:

>Words can not begin to describe the beauty and oceanic depth that is within inside this little gem from Prem Rawat, affectionately known as Maharaji. Poet, musician, artist, inventor, successful investor, Inpirational Speaker and now, Author! There is no end to His talent, kindness and generousity of spirit in delivering to those of us with true spiritual hunger, this Bread of Life.

Until I read this book, I was a skeptic of all things "spiritual." True, I followed Maharaji in the early seventies, but turned my back on my heart and became an apostate in the nineties. This slim volume has changed all that. The Kingdom of Heaven truly is within.

To those so called "ex-premies" (do they really consider themselves as "ex-lovers," as the word suggests?) I rebuke thee! For those who have a sincere heart and a thirst for The Truth, this beautiful book will start you on your Journey to Inner Peace and Self-Knowledge.

Buy this book. Read it. Study it. Immerse yourself in its Ancient Wisdom and come to know what life is really all about. It's not about huge mansions, private jets, a fleet of luxury cars or even watch collections. It's about the possibility for peace. Peace that starts with you. Listen to Maharaji's Message of Peace (MOP.) Open up your Heart to the Universe of Love and He will fill you up! <

[end of review]

On first reading these words, my heart suddenly swelled, I brushed aside a dew-drop of pained regret from my eye, and, remembering those happy years, I was almost moved to rejoin the fold ... when - hark! - what is this?  A new paragraph has suddenly appeared:

>Of course the above is all "tongue in cheek" and Rawat is the leader of a destructive personality cult and has destroyed hundreds of lives with his poisonous psuedo-philosophy. Run, run as fast and as far as you can from this con man!<

[end of revised review]

Neat work, G - sneak under the wire and nobody notices!  What's interesting now is that six days later the review contains no more and no less analysis of the poems themselves than did the version I printed out last Friday.

I don't know when G's edit happened, but if Amazon now suddenly find cause to remove the review, their standard excuses become void and more suspect motives are confirmed. 

Modified by Nigel at Wed, Jan 25, 2006, 13:29:13

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