It's about time
Posted by:
Will ®

01/25/2006, 09:59:02
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Could this spell the end for Bubble-gum Ji?
Re: It's about time -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/25/2006, 11:31:16
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For recent premies/exes - Bal Baghwan Ji is/was M's big brother, also a Lord of the Universe, but since two Lords of the Universe is two too many for one universe, let alone one family, they came to a non-amicable arrangement in 1974 to carve up the kingdom of eternity, with Balbaghwan securing the Eastern franchise, leaving M free to ravage the West unimpeded or embarrassed by family squabbles.

Thanks for the link, Will.  I was encouraged by this last paragraph:

>Asian News has already reported several times on prominent Imams denouncing the so-called Muslim healers and saints. Now the Asian Rationalist Society of Britain are challenging the charlatans and occult practitioners. They have offered a prize of ?2,000 to any person who can prove he has magical powers - no-one has come forward and the society intend to increate the reward to £10,000 - any takers?

This is precisely the challenge that James Randi and CSICOP have put on the table for the last 25 years - prize money now standing at $1 million.  Still no takers.

Modified by Nigel at Wed, Jan 25, 2006, 13:01:07

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Re: It's about time
Re: It's about time -- Will Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Andries ®

01/25/2006, 16:38:21
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thanks for posting that. The followers of Shirdi Sai Baba are now sueing the followers of Sathya Sai Baba for use of the name "Sai Baba".


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