it's just is it, exactly?
Posted by:
premie_spouse ®

01/23/2006, 15:30:26
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Another groovy e-mail alert!  I'm just so blissed by the bliss of it all!
40th Anniversary Special _Expression Project
Dear Friends,

As you know, 2006 will be a year celebrating the 40th anniversary of Maharaji giving Knowledge and inspiration to millions of people around the world. This letter is an invitation for you to be part of this 40th anniversary celebration in a very personal way.

A special collection of expressions of love and appreciation for Maharaji is being put together from people around the world. These expressions will be presented to Maharaji during 2006 in the form of a 40th Anniversary Book having one chapter for each of the 40 years from 1966 to
2006. Each person’s _expression will be listed in the chapter corresponding to the year when they received Knowledge or first heard about Maharaji. Both electronic and paper versions will be given to Maharaji. You are warmly invited to send an _expression for the 40th Anniversary Book. Here are a few guidelines if you choose to do so:
Please keep your _expression to a maximum of 50 words
Expressions need to be written in English (arrangements for
expressions in Hindi are being made and will be announced soon)
This is a chance to express our love and gratitude to Maharaji so please do not include questions or requests
Please include your name, city, country and the year when you
received Knowledge or when you first heard about Maharaji
Please send your _expression to arrive within two weeks of receiving this letter to allow plenty of time for it to be included in the book, but by March 31 at the very latest.

When preparing the book, editing will be done only if needed to ensure each _expression meets the guidelines above. If you would like to send an _expression for inclusion in the 40th Anniversary Book, there are two ways to do so:

1. You can send your _expression electronically by using the
following website:

2.You can mail your _expression to:

Expressions - 40 Years
1007 North Federal Highway
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33304-1422

If you would like to invite other people to contribute their
expressions for inclusion in the 40th Anniversary Book, please replace my name with yours before forwarding this letter to others. It would be wonderful if everyone who knows Maharaji all around the world could hear about this opportunity to express something on this wonderful occasion.
With love,

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Replies to this message

Re: it's just is it, exactly? -- premie_spouse Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
PatD ®

01/23/2006, 16:53:20
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Stumbling across Guru Maharaj Ji in January 1972 was a truly life transforming experience for me. Despite initially confusing his roneographed portrait  with that of the young Chairman Mao, I soon realised through the Grace of His Holy Knowledge that he was God in human form.

Scary shit huh!

That's 49 words with the exclamation mark making 50 if they want to be picky, but I don't think it has a snowball in hell's chance of being included in the book, so I'm not going to bother to submit it.

I expect the limited edition of leather bound 'Prem Rawat Book of Golden Brainfarts' is already beyond the pre-planning stage at $1000 a pop.

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Damn! You only get 50 words!
Re: it's just is it, exactly? -- premie_spouse Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/23/2006, 19:55:37
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Here's my expression.  I hope they put it on the first page because I doubt Rawat will actually read them all:

You truly reign supreme as an example of cowardice, ignorance and gross deception.  Parading as the Lord of the Universe, claiming to be the Saviour of Mankind, when you were really just a dumb, selfish fool born into the hindu guru racket, your life is one long lie.  Congratulations!

Modified by Jim at Mon, Jan 23, 2006, 19:55:51

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Mine's 52 - that's two words too many. Will they make edits?
Re: it's just is it, exactly? -- premie_spouse Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/24/2006, 05:57:01
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In describing this adventure, words such as amazing, awesome, beautiful, blinding, consciousness-raising, delivering, diverting, eternal, extraordinary, fulsome, fabulous, gracious, groovy, holistic, holy, inviting, infectious, judicious, joyful, kindly, karma-free, lovely, loving, magnificent, marvellous, magisterial, overwhelming, praiseworthy, etc. could never hope to describe the reality of the man and his message.

Bullshit’s better.


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Your alphabetic ordering is a bit of a giveaway!!
Re: Mine's 52 - that's two words too many. Will they make edits? -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

01/24/2006, 05:59:22
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Modified by Mike Finch at Tue, Jan 24, 2006, 05:59:44

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