Hey look what's on the "Clarity" Amazon site
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/20/2006, 15:37:58
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It's a list of suggested reading and products for cult leaders.  It's really hysterical to go down the list.  I'm still laughing.  Premies should keep the list in mind for the next darshan line.

Related link: Cult Leader's Reading List and Gift Ideas
Modified by Joe at Fri, Jan 20, 2006, 15:38:54

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That was reaaaaallllly funny!!!
Re: Hey look what's on the "Clarity" Amazon site -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Anna ®

01/20/2006, 16:47:39
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Thanks for that link, I'm still laughing too. Just brilliant!

I also had a quick look on the Clarity page, and I was laughing out loud. Firstly, because there are so many reviews - 45! I haven't randomly checked for comparisons, but I'm sure that's way more than usual.

Then I read Gerry's, Jim's, Will's and Joe's reviews, and all are excellent. I clicked on the YES button to say I found them useful! I then clicked on a couple of premie reviews, and said NO, not useful - just for the hell of it!

Great work, thanks to all who took the trouble to do this. And give us all such a good laugh at the same time.

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Relentless Wickipedian Jossi Fresco/Benaim does what he does best . .
Re: Hey look what's on the "Clarity" Amazon site -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Dr.wow ®

01/20/2006, 16:51:33
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. . . making certain that his manipulative POV is front and center (currently the numero uno review).  Gerry Lyng is number two with a hilariously serious-sounding review and Jim and Joe will be glad to know that they are in the top ten.  Anyways here Jossi's review: This is one of these books that will demonstrate the old axiom of "the beauty is in the eye of the beholder". For these people that are thirsty for the water of understanding and beauty, this book is a glass of fresh and pure water that will leave them with the sweet taste of quenching the thirst.

On the other hand, for these people that are not thirsty for beauty, and that are quite happy to live a life based on rationalizations, this book will have no value.

So, if you want to be challenged and inspired to assert your right to live a fulfilled life, this book is for you. I would only recommend it to those that want to *know*, not to those that think they *know*.

If you want to debate endlessly and conform with established principles of what is happiness and what does it mean to be successful in life, my recommendation is: don't buy this book. But if you want to be challenged in a sweet manner and compelled to accept what you know you deserve, go ahead and buy it. You will not be disappointed.

Related link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/0974062715/ref=cm_cr_dp_pt/103-3296363-5456614?%5Fencoding=UTF8&n=283155&s=books
Modified by Dr.wow at Fri, Jan 20, 2006, 17:35:56

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who knew?
Re: Relentless Wickipedian Jossi Fresco/Benaim does what he does best . . -- Dr.wow Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
premie_spouse ®

01/20/2006, 19:15:57
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"the beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Well, shoot. I always thought that said, "beauty is in the eye of the beerholder"  Dang, who knew?

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Sub-thread removed at request of the author
Re: Hey look what's on the "Clarity" Amazon site -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
JHB-Admin ®

01/21/2006, 01:44:57
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Don't get excited - it was nothing particularly intertesting or colourful!


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(post no longer revelant now Amazon have started striking reviews out, ie. Jim's)
Re: Hey look what's on the "Clarity" Amazon site -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/21/2006, 15:58:25
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[edited post]

By the time anyone reads what I was saying, I suspect the other less-than-devotional reviews on Amazon might have been deleted...

Modified by Nigel at Sat, Jan 21, 2006, 16:13:36

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Contacting Amazon
Re: (post no longer revelant now Amazon have started striking reviews out, ie. Jim's) -- Nigel Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

01/22/2006, 02:29:34
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If you want to contact Amazon to complain, a good page for the relevant info is http://clicheideas.com/amazon.htm.

Jim, what email address did you use when you emailed them?

I just sent this email to these email addresses:


Hi Amazon

I am complaing about your treatment of reviews on the book Clarity by Prem Rawat, which is by the cult leader Maharaji (also known as Rawat), whom many people view extremely negatively.

That is no problem - it's a free country, people can believe in what they like.

But on your review page you are *only* allowing reviews by followers of Maharaji who are praising the book. Any review that is negative, you are deleting. WHY?

Clearly all the cult followers will click on the 'Report This' link for any review that does not enthuse about their guru. But I had hoped that Amazon would be neutral and more impartial.

And the negative reviews are *not* contravening your guidelines - the early ones might have, but the recent ones you have deleted (Jim Heller and Joe Whalen for instance) were well thought out and were merely critical of the book.

I suspect you have a secret follower of Maharaji (Rawat) in your Reviews department; either that, or else you are abusing the good name and objective neutrality of Amazon.

-- Mike Finch (long-term customer of Amazon since the early days)


Modified by Mike Finch at Sun, Jan 22, 2006, 02:31:00

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Re: Contacting Amazon
Re: Contacting Amazon -- Mike Finch Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/22/2006, 09:14:07
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Here's my letter to Amazon:

Dear Amazon,
                      I have read your guidelines for reviewing books and agree that a diversity of opinion about publications is certainly the best way to go.  I have read many reviews on your site (I work in a library and have occasion to use Amazon frequently), so it is with dismay that I notice what's been happening regarding the reviews of a book called Clarity by Prem Rawat.  It seems like a huge number of rave reviews about this book were all posted immediately it was released, whereas any dissenting views were inordinately delayed, or posted for a very short time and then deleted, or just not posted at all!   This seems very odd, and a bit disturbing.
In all honesty I have not seen the book in question, but I have seen previous publications by this man and know a great deal about him as I was once a follower of him too--until I learned he gained HUGE wealth at the expense of many devotees, harbored a pedophile amongst his chief supporters, had a mistress and had a problem with alcohol, to say the least.  Granted that none of these things should play a role in whose book gets to be reviewed, but in all fairness (and clarity!) the reviews of people who do not care for this kind of publication should be allowed.
I hope you look into this!  I rely on Amazon for lots of things.  Censorship is not one of them.
And for corroboration of what I have said here about Prem Rawat, it's all on epo.com
Thank you for listening.
Shelagh Cosgrove, writer and librarian

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Epo.com is *not* ex-premie.org
Re: Re: Contacting Amazon -- shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

01/22/2006, 09:53:58
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epo.com is not ex-premie.org, which I think you were referring to. Epo.com is a Norwegian website, not at all what you meant!!

Otherwise, great letter!!

-- Mike


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now you see it, now you don't, now you see it, now you don't...
Re: Epo.com is *not* ex-premie.org -- Mike Finch Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Nigel ®

01/22/2006, 10:17:34
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Our resident industrial grease remover is suddenly back in situ over at Amazon.  This flurry of letters (+ Jim's) must have done the trick.

Good work!

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epo.org, of course!
Re: Epo.com is *not* ex-premie.org -- Mike Finch Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
shelagh ®

01/22/2006, 17:31:04
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Yikes!  Sorry about that!  Thanks for the correction, Mike.  I'll send the correction to those addresses.  Hopefully it will do some good!



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That's the European Patent Office website!
Re: epo.org, of course! -- shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

01/23/2006, 02:08:26
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Hi Shelagh

Getting closer!! But epo.org is the European Patent Office website!

It is actually ex-premie.org and I don't think there are any contractions.

Take care

-- Mike


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Well blow me down!
Re: That's the European Patent Office website! -- Mike Finch Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Shelagh ®

01/23/2006, 08:58:06
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Hi Mike!  I was so sure we used to refer to this web site with the contraction, epo!  Has that changed?  Or am I just "stuck in the past"?  I'll correct it, and NEVER forget it now. 

~Shelagh, on my second helping of humble pie

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EPO is just an abbreviation
Re: Well blow me down! -- Shelagh Top of thread Archive
Posted by:

01/23/2006, 09:41:10
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Of course we refer to EPO all the time but it's just an abbreviation.  The website domain name is ex-premie.org and has no aliases.

No need to eat too much humble pie - save some for others!


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My reply from Amazon
Re: Contacting Amazon -- Mike Finch Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

01/24/2006, 01:26:39
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Here's my reply from Amazon. BTW, it came from the email address 'ecr@amazon.com' which is the name for Executive Customer Relations, so that is clearly an email address to add the list'

-- Mike

Dear Dr Michael R Finch:

Thank you for writing to Amazon.com.

The reviews of "Clarity" were removed because the comments in large part focused on the personal opinions of the subject matter, rather than reviewing the title itself.

While we appreciate opinions on the subject, the intent of customer reviews is to assist our customers in making an informed purchase decision. We provide our customer reviews section for one to comment on the merits of the book and the author's writing style. We ask that it not be used as a place for discourse on the subject matter.

I would strongly recommend re-reading our Review Writing Guidelines:


Thank you for your participation in the Amazon.com community.


Executive Customer Relations Amazon.com



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Satganda Irving has me laughing yet again! But it seems I laugh alone?
Re: Hey look what's on the "Clarity" Amazon site -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

01/22/2006, 21:14:33
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and an ebay alert
Re: Satganda Irving has me laughing yet again! But it seems I laugh alone? -- Susan Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

01/23/2006, 00:20:12
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No, I am laughing uproariously as well...
Re: Satganda Irving has me laughing yet again! But it seems I laugh alone? -- Susan Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

01/23/2006, 02:16:05
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Hi Susan

No, you are not laughing alone, I am laughing uproariously as well. Satganda Irving is clearly doing a marvellous job, whoever he/she is.

As is clear from the thread two below this one, it looks like Amazon have finally tumbled to the fact that Prem Rawat is a cult leader, so Satganda's list and others' reviews will hopefully stay up there now.

Take care

-- Mike


Modified by Mike Finch at Mon, Jan 23, 2006, 02:17:19

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Maybe Satganda is really Satganga who was born at the Rome Hansjay-anti in 78 or 79?
Re: No, I am laughing uproariously as well... -- Mike Finch Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Jethro ®

01/23/2006, 05:54:15
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Modified by Jethro at Mon, Jan 23, 2006, 05:55:32

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hi Jethro your link did not post
Re: Maybe Satganda is really Satganga who was born at the Rome Hansjay-anti in 78 or 79? -- Jethro Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

01/23/2006, 10:19:20
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I remember a satganda being born in Rome too. Do you have a link to the satsang I think he mentioned it. There was another Satganda in Miami who was one of the prettiest babies I had ever seen but her mom was one of those truly gopi lost individuals who was practically homeless. I remember the baby then little girl as this little waif angel person who was always dirty and unkempt. It was sad.

I am so happy I went to Rome with premies who bent the rules. We spent a day at the vatican and I really enjoyed it. Though I thought all the priests etc could see the light in my eyes and would be following me over to the festival. It didn't happen though.

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Re: Satganda Irving has me laughing yet again! But it seems I laugh alone?
Re: Satganda Irving has me laughing yet again! But it seems I laugh alone? -- Susan Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Steve ®

01/23/2006, 10:24:58
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Mike, if you really want to have a good laugh, get yourself a copy of this Lord of the Universe VHS - truly a must have for exes and premies alike.

Forget about the syrupy and hypocritical Passages video, The Lord of the Universe VHS tells it like it really was and ironically, I think this Amazon link with Mr. Rawat’s Clarity publication will result in more copies of the video being sold.

So premies and exes alike, get your own copy of The Lord of the Universe video today. You’ll be glad you did!

Related link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/richpub/listmania/fullview/R2DHNTR7U5JL5R/104-0585038-4572723?%5Fencoding=UTF8
Modified by Steve at Mon, Jan 23, 2006, 10:33:02

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What am I, chopped liver?
Re: Satganda Irving has me laughing yet again! But it seems I laugh alone? -- Susan Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/23/2006, 11:34:25
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I'm the one who put the link up and said it was hysterical.  I know others did too, although they haven't posted about it.

Modified by Joe at Mon, Jan 23, 2006, 11:47:47

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for Chopped Liver Joe
Re: What am I, chopped liver? -- Joe Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Susan ®

01/23/2006, 12:41:35
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no, Satganda made a guide called "So you want to be a cult leader" and another called "So you want to read books by and about Prem Rawat" as well as her list of gift ideas for the cult leader in your life.

Boy those premie kids really want a lot of attention!

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Oh, I hadn't seen that other list of books about Rawat
Re: for Chopped Liver Joe -- Susan Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/23/2006, 13:50:40
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Yes, it's great.  Well done, whoever did it.

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