New Program Leaflet
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Posted by: EV Program Team ®
06/20/2003, 08:55:43




1) We sincerely hope you enjoy your experience with the Speaker, Prem Rawat, today. Please remember that no recording devices are allowed in the hall.

However, we are pleased to offer copies of many of these lectures at a later date so that you can compare the consistancy of the Speaker's message over the last 30 years, since he first arrived in the West.

Please note that he is no longer "Greater than God", "The most powerful incarnation of God ever", the "Lord", or even "God in human form". He is simply the "Speaker".

He also has no current plans to "Rule the World", as previously announced, nor does he promise "A Thousand Years of Peace".

We apologize for any misunderstanding caused by these potentially culturally confusing statements.

2)We are sorry to inform you that there are no provisions for child care at this program. We had a problem with a well known instructor engaging in pedophilia, and since Prem Rawat refuses to talk about his involvement with it, it is understandable that we cannot offer this service today.

However, your children are more than welcome when they are old enough to accept preliminary cult indoctrination.

3) The Speaker makes every attempt to stay current with his simple message of peace in order to meet the demands of a rigorous travel schedule and to stay one step ahead of the law.

He travels 10 months of the year, and will be visiting England this year (under investigation by the Charity Commission for fraud) and Australia (under intense media scrutiny and Australian Government investigation) and plans to meet with Government officials in those countries in an effort to spread his message of peace and hope...fully stay out of jail.

4)Elan Vital, an organization dedicated to furthering Prem Rawat's teachings, is a registered religion.

 Prem Rawat teaches no religion, philosophy or set of ethics, because he has none of any of them.

However, he did recently declare that he is an "old fashioned, family values type of guy".

He lives in Malibu, Cal. and is happily married with  a devoted wife, 4 children, one full time mistress, a few "one night" girl friends on the road, and numerous ass kissing premies.

5)The techniques of knowledge are freely offered and provide a profoundly simple way to go within. So does sticking your finger up your butt.

Practitioners report a profound sense of joy and well being from the practice, especially if done on a daily basis.

However, the knowledge techniques, while just as simple, are impossible to master, a waste of time, and not practiced by Prem.

6)If you have questions about the Knowledge process, Prem Rawat encourages you to wach more videos to get the answers.

This process is best accomplished when viewing videos produced only after 1982, when he ordered all previous videos and literature recalled and destroyed, because he decided to"evolve" from the "Living Perfect Master" into the "Speaker".

He is currently an inspirational Speaker, but may still be adored and worshipped as  Lord Krishna in India twice a year, and Amaroo if his visa is not revoked, for more traditional worshippers and heavy drinkers.

7)While Prem Rawat is not available to answer your questions personally, he will gladly accept your donations (preferably monthly withdrawals on your "master" card as many students choose to do, pay pal donations, or the time honored tradition of sticking a fist full of big bills in an unmarked envelope).

Prem is available to accept large cash donations before you line up to kiss his feet.

Plans to create a real "Master Card", with Prem in full "Krishna garb and flute he can't play" logo are underway, but not available at this point. All purchases will automatically generate revenue for the Speaker and earn the student "Master Bucks" which can be used at all programs to buy pictures and chotchkas.(TED Farkel's TRAC Center may come onboard as well, with discounts on foamies and road kill stew). Stay tuned for more on this exciting development, and be the first in your community to get your very own "Master Card"......!!!!

8)While we have made every attempt to make your listening experience an enjoyable one, if you have difficulty in understanding the Speaker, feel free to contact the "Special Services" person in your seating area.

They may be able to arrange for a front seat for you, if you pledge at least $5,000 at the next "Major Donors Conference". Many students have enthusiasticaly reported that this arrangement has increased their experience for about 45 minutes and simultaneously decreased their check book for months.

On the other hand, you may have difficulty in understanding the Speaker, beause you feel that he makes no sense and offers up platitudes better expressed on Hallmark Cards. This has been reported by most impartial observers and reporters. They generally do not have enough "thirst", "clarity" or possess "that understanding'', and we are currently working on removing them from the hall.

Prem Rawat loves the spontaneous "give and take" dialogue with aspirants and students at many programs. These are wonderful opportunities to experience first hand the dynamic "Master-student" relationship and how it works, up close and personal.

If you would like to express your undying gratitude and devotion to the Master, you may do so but only if he calls on you to do so. Please be respectful of his time and do not burden him with questions like "What is enlightenment?" , "Why do you get drunk so much if you have the Knowledge of all Knowledges?",  "What's you favorite brand of Cognac?", or "How come you never practice the techniques yourself"?

9)While Prem Rawat accepts no speaking fees for these events, we encourage you to give generously to cover his travel costs, which include $300,000/month to keep his Gulfsream V jet in a hangar, and other necessary costs such as his $2,000,000 watch collection, whch insures that he is always on time for programs even if the atomic clock malfunctions, and a $7,000,000 yacht which has the potential for doing propagation amongst drunken sailors in coastal areas and banging ones mistress..

10) The Prem Rawat Foundaton looks forward to interacting with other charitable foundations in the future.

To this date it has made substantial contributions to the Prem Rawat Family Fund, a for profit family business promoting fake masters, watches that remind you to breathe, swan sweatshirts, "gratitude" coffee mugs and other pseudo-spiritual paraphernalia. It is located in a formerly dilapidated but recently renovated $25,000,000 home in the low rent district in Malibu, Cal., constructed by premie slave labor.

11)A small group of ex-employees may make negative, even scandalous statements about the Speaker.

They may say that he is a liar, an adulterer, an alcoholic, a con man and worse.

They are right, and you need to know more.

12) For more information about Prem Rawat's tour schedule, go to the PRF website.

To find the TRUTH about Prem Rawat, go to Ex-Premie.Org.



Modified by EV Program Team at Fri, Jun 20, 2003, 11:05:57

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