More ideas for products to sell...
Re: Visions Sales--a recent report -- seachange Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: Hilltop ®
03/25/2003, 18:09:20

"Make Believe" tee shirts... "Perspire" night shirts... Seiko watches with words "Just Breath" on them (with meditation alarm)...Whoopie cushions with "Every Breath" design...Toilet paper with the printed words "This is our time" on it... Bathroom door signs with "Just a moment" design...Toilet bowl fresheners with Rawats face on them...Ties, bracelets, and any other trinkets we can think of to put the Swine Design on..."Only by Consumption" glassware items...Roo's "This is a crime" design mousetraps...The Amarro Journeys End garbage bags...Elephant turds in plastic - paper weights for the office...Please feel free to add to our list of wonderful junk items we can sell for profit. How about wallets with the words "My Graditude" engraved on them...Hilltop

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