Re: Re: Just calling a spade a spade, GOK -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

11/04/2004, 19:02:06
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You lied and dissembled every which way going into this.  You denied the fair meaning of words and did every trick you could think of to deny the truth.  AND you lied.  Oh yeah, you lied alright. 

Well, I've got news for you, pal.  You can play with your vocabulary but you can't play with mine.  You are a liar and I stand by that claim.  I DID show you the specific places you lied, a couple of times now so now I'll just tell you.  You lied when you said that denying that Rawat ever claimed to be the Lord (something EV said) is not the same as denying that he is the Lord.  It sure as hell is.  The lie covers the field by solid implication.

By the way, one could also make the case that you lied when you promised to not split hairs or argue black is white.  But, to be fair, maybe that's what you intended when you said it and just fell into lying or decided to lie when you saw how cornered you were getting.  So I'll give you that one.  But the other?


Modified by Jim at Thu, Nov 04, 2004, 19:02:35

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