Re: Rawatism: Empiricism and Belief - a response to GOK
Re: Rawatism: Empricism and Belief - a response to GOK -- NikW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

11/04/2004, 14:09:51
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Nik, this isn't in any way meant to cast nasturtiums on your post, but in the interests of a simple explanation, I would like to offer the following explanation of why Rawat still does what he does:

1. Squeezing your eyeballs can induce an illusion of seeing light.

2. Rawat grew rich on this, but had the added hassle of playing "messiah" to keep the curious coming.

3. He is now rich, and can afford to drop the messianic con.

4. "Seeing the light" is enough of a draw to keep the curious footing his bills.

5. He knows there will always be a few die-hard premies to give him the adulation he craves.

6. And he know that premies have a vested interest in the game - it's their ego/pride that suffers too, when they wake up and reject him.

(thinks ... maybe that last one has something to do with why Bush just got re-elected).

Ah well, congratulations, Mr President. Have another pretzel, do.

Modified by cq at Thu, Nov 04, 2004, 14:13:17

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