Why do my words sound ridiculous?
Re: Re: Andrias, please answer me this. -- Jethro Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Andries ®

11/04/2004, 11:07:06
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May be there is a misunderstanding but I really do not understand why you think that my words sound ridiculous. I would appreciate comments from others.

Original research is not allowed in Wikipedia. This mean e.g. that I can not write an article about an unpublished theory that I have made. I can not write an aticle "Andries' Theory of relativity"

And the same applies for an interview with Prem Rawat. I do not think that it is okay in Wikipedia if I refer to an hypothetical unpublished interview with Rawat that I have with him. I am not aware of any recent interview with him that contains more than the same old story about peace and platitudes.


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