Re: why should Rawat/Maharji be the subject of such a mystical understanding ?
Re: There you go ... -- NikW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

11/03/2004, 16:18:42
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No-one is asking that Maharaji should be "the subject of such a mystical understanding". That's the whole point of what I have been saying here many times. You are not required to believe that Maharaji is "Lord" or "Satguru, or anything like that. There is no requirement to believe anything about Maharaji, other than just to trust him enough to give the practical experience of Knowledge a fair try in your life. And if you don't trust him enough to give Knowledge a fair try, or if you have given Knowledge a fair try and you don't like it, that's no problem either. You are not required to believe anything. And you are free to believe whatever you like, good or bad.

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