Re: Give them batteries today, they will need them tomorrow
Re: Give them batteries today, they will need them tomorrow -- nemesis Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jethro ®

11/03/2004, 00:46:30
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I remember that satsang when he described how he saw this poor newspaper vendour. He said that he thought of buying all of the papers, but if he did that the vendour would expect that to happen every day. So in all His compassion he didn't buy the papers.

I also remember him describing how he saw this child who had no clothes on except a vest playing with a hoop in the dirt and how much pleasure the child was getting from that hoop. He didn't give the child a penny because he didn't want to disturb the child's pleasure.

I still cannot believe that I didn't walk away years earlier.

Yada yada..I won't continue

Regards Jethro

Modified by Jethro at Wed, Nov 03, 2004, 00:48:02

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