Teachers who actually make a difference
Re: The mission spreads Divine Lights in Grenada -- Thorin Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
NikW ®

11/02/2004, 11:22:03
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Note these guys aren't afraid to say what they actually raised - $10,000 !

And for those who like number crunching:

Total number of households in Grenada apprx 45,000

Cost of self generator flash lights wholesale = $8 each.

 total cost to provide every Grenadan family with one flashlight = $360,000US

Costs of leasing jet, maintenance, co pilots, hotel bills etc for Prem Rawat - $4.5 million per year or $375,000US per month.

The thing with Charity is - you gotta get your priorities right - and we all know what Prem's priorities are.


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