His life is not a pile of dung! really! it is fertilizer! You idiot!!
Re: Re: May be this might be interesting -- toby Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
bill ®

10/31/2004, 21:42:01
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Thanks Andries for your efforts and your character.
Of course the whole article is filled with defeat and with almost a sadness that squeezes the life out of the writing.

It is a pathetic effort of trying to make prem rawat look like he is just so misunderstood. That indeed he is worthy of respect, that all the skeletons in his closet should be looked at as a sign of the amount of unjustice he is subjected to because.................all those skeletons are not his!!!
They are other peoples (stupid) misperceptions of someone who really, actually, never did one thing wrong!!!

The writing is loaded with a weariness, a weariness of even having to type the explanation that all the mud thrown at prem rawat has not only not hit prem rawat, but that the mud throwers just are SO SO limited and unworthy of even knowing prem rawat.

As they are completely wrong on evey issue, and prem rawat is faultless on all the issues in contention.

I am happy that wickpedia would host such a reasoned explanation of such an injustice that has been done to -----just another lord of the universe-- not unlike all the others that litter indian cities.
Yes, prem rawat, common man, only doing good, misunderstood, hopeing only that confused people will finally see thier errors and will let him be the 100% good man he has always been, and let him continue his good deed doing without falsely chargeing him with lies.

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