Proof that Elan Vital are lying in their FAQs
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10/31/2004, 19:51:11
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Elan Vital (Australia, UK, and USA) say in their FAQs that:-

For a few years, a small internet-based group of disgruntled former students operating under the cloak of anonymity has been disparaging Maharaji, his students and Elan Vital. They operate using a fake front with a Webmaster allegedly residing in Latvia, who uses a blind e-mail address, safely outside of the reach of law.

The faqs first appeared on Elan Vital Inc.(Australia) website in March/April 2004. They then appeared on Elan Vital (UK) website in June 2004, and then on the Elan Vital Inc.(US) website in August 2004.

But in April 2003, Elan Vital's lawyers, Stroock, Stroock and Lavan sent a letter to EPO's hosting company Verio claiming breach of copyright. This was forwarded to me at my address in Latvia, I issued the counter-notification, and later Stroock replied to a letter from me by fax to my address in Latvia! This claim went through the correct legal process, and Elan Vital declined to pursue it further. So how can they say I am 'outside of the reach of law'?

So, EV, GOK, Jonx, premies, care to comment?


Modified by JHB at Sun, Oct 31, 2004, 20:20:50

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