Define "negativity"
Re: Re: Posting honestly here isn't all about negativity -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

10/31/2004, 00:42:22
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The most negative influence in my life was Rawat. He told me my mind was bad.  Foreign.  Not to be trusted.  I'm sure you'll have some sort of hair-splitting, circular, evasive answer to that but the fact is he did.  Again, tons and tons and tons of quotes, a decent sampling on various ex sites for your viewing pleasure, the point's undeniable. 

Well guess what?

Turns out my mind isn't evil after all!  Turns out it's not really obscuring me from some inner treasure.  Turns out that was allllllllllllllllll bullshit. 

So let's celebrate the mind, shall we, you and I?  It's 10:45 and these girls still aren't ready yet!  I'll get a drink and you and I can toast our true natures together.  That whole heart / mind dichotomy?  Throw it out the window, GOK.  It's just dumb superstition.  Liberate yourself and yourself will follow. 


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