Hi Andries,nice to "hear" from you and by the way thanks for the nice private note in German.
Yes well the BG is largely about the interplay of karma and dharma. That is why I said that it is a lecture on ethics. It is also of course in that respect reinforcing the very unfair caste system of Hindu culture. But the BG tries to bring together three distinct disciplines within the very complex theology of Hinduism and here is where I start to get in over my head.
But really the reason I addressed this is because within the tradition of Rawatism many myths and distortions of Hinduism and Christianity amongst other religions have been promoted by Rawat and his representatives. I like to point these things out when I can and am able to.
A good example can be seen right now with Godo. He very often makes a statement to the effect that Rawat as the Satguru brings people from darkness to light. This comes from a falsehood that has been widely spread amongst Rawat's followers. The idea is that Gu=darkness and Ru=light, hence guru is the one who brings you from darkness to light. I have this from very good sources that this is simply not true. Guru in Sanskrit is an adjective meaning "heavy". Therefore when the word is used as a substantive, it literally means "the heavy guy".
And there are many more where that came from. There are lots of favorite premie quotes from scriptures that are supposed to prove that Jesus and Krishna etc all taught the four techniques of Knowledge.
But I agree with you, the BG is nice, especially in Sanskrit. It isn't my favorite though. I find it too pedagogic and devout. I like the mythology of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata much better. I also recommend the Rig Veda, though it isn't for everyone.