Satpal Maharaj's claim to popularity is grounded more in religion than in politics. He is the religious head of a large ashram in Pauri Garhwal and is referred to as Maharaj by his disciples. The ashram has branches in other parts of the country and abroad. He inherited it from his elder brother Baleshwar Yogi, whose name was linked to a case involving shady deals some years ago and who is now in oblivion.
Hey, this guy has got it all wrong; The Lord of the Universe is the younger brother, Prem Pal Singh Rawat, & the inheritance came about as the result of a protracted legal battle between the Manmot elder brother & the true Satguru.
GOK should complain about this gross travesty of the truth to the Indian Press Council.
That ole Bal Bhagwan Ji though, what a dark horse he turned out to be. From Incarnation of the Intellectual Principle who reserved seats for visiting extra-terrestials at Millenium '73, to a contender for Chief Ministership of an Indian State...well it just goes to show something or other.
As an instinctive Unionist, I have to admit that I followed the wrong guy all those years. Satpal stands firm against the forces of dissolution.
I think I'll break out my beragon.