Re: And why is that?
Re: And why is that? -- gerry Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
NikW ®

10/28/2004, 10:40:57
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>Of course it's part of your thinking process and intelligence. OTherwise, you are back into the realm of invisible friends and Santa.<

I don't agree that that is necessarilly so - although of course it could be. The conception of the  human 'mind' as a unified 'software' cum process is very appealing and as Cynthia has attested the experience of a 'split' or separation occuring for the individual is frequently an unhappy experience - but that doesn't mean that other explanations of 'mind' and 'conciousness' that do not depend on a unitary theory, are not tenable. This doesn't require any 'external' agency - God, angels or Santa - merely an acknowledgement that what is called 'mind' or conciousness or thinking may actually be comprised of multiple, independently occuring processes, potentially arising from one or more processes.

Rejecting God and Gurus and Santa does not of itself greatly simplify our understanding of the nature of the uni/multiverse. Even without religion and magic and childish imaginings, existence is a pretty odd thing and the nature of our experience of it is probably even odder, so while I'm sure it is intellectually sound to give up characterisations like God and Santa and 'still small voices', the experiences that lay behind the need of our ancestors to create those characterisations, still demand out attention.

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