Yes, autumn is where it's at. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.
There's a wood at the bottom of my street, and it's ablaze with yellows and reds. There are trees with huge bronze leaves like ancient medallions, and dark greens which seem beyond the colour spectrum, impossible to name.The still small voice or conscience never gives out harmful messages, I find. Its whole tone is soothing, reassuring and guiding. Mildly rebuking sometimes. But to shield us from harm, and from doing harm.
'One love, and not said from any religious angle, but from a very human one.'
Agreed. Whether we think of this stuff in spiritual or agnostic terms is individual and in many ways irrelevant.
It certainly isn't the perquisite of any particular religion or dogma - in fact, it's totally irrespective of any human institution, and totally the antithesis of anything related to cults.
Off Topic? No, I don't think so. In fact, very much on topic, as people were talking below about there being no 'invisible friend'. I disagree with this basically and deeply.