The Song ~ "I Love You" ~ Page 9...
Re: Initiator Joan Apter concludes her talk ~ Page 8... -- Hilltop Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

10/28/2004, 00:08:50
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Divine Times ~ August 1978 Volume 7, Number 5, Page 9.

I'm posting this attachment only because it is on the next page. After Joan Apter's talk ~ I think we need a song... the load time of these attachments are long ~ but you should at least be grateful to me that I'm not posting Prem Rawat's Arti.

Best Thoughts as Always go to Everyone Here. Sincerely, Hilltop

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Modified by Hilltop at Thu, Oct 28, 2004, 00:14:55

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