Tempora, And the invisible friend is really that quiet voice inside us, which we hear when we tone down somewhat from all the outer squall, and can hear ourselves again. Which is firm and friendly, not necessarily always to our liking in what it says, but always wise and on our side. It sounds like us, but at the same time has that ring of a bit more, like ancestral or God inside us (according to our individual conceptions).
There is no invisible friend inside your head -- who told you that? There's no quiet voice inside your head either. The only thing insided your head is your own brain and your own thoughts. The kind of things you said in your post (apart from the nice description of autumn) are a bit disturbing to me, frankly. If you are actually hearing voices inside of your head of any kind, I respectfully suggest you get yourself some professional help.
And so, when someone like David Graham next tells you Santa and the invisible friend do not exist, do the sensible thing and kill him immediately. The future of the human race possibly depends on this.
I don't think that it's proper or appropriate for anyone to suggest killing anyone. Where do you come off saying something like that, Tempora? Are you seriously suggesting human beings go around murdering others?
Also, while some of us use the Santa Claus or Easter Bunny analogy on this forum, it isn't really all that accurate, IMO. Little kids are supposed to find out that Santa and the Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are myths and hopefully their parents, or some kid will let them in on the myth before they are, say, 7 or 8 years old.
Tempora, please reassure me that you don't really think that killing someone is ever a solution to anything, including being in a cult!
Modified by Cynthia at Wed, Oct 27, 2004, 07:31:03