Re: Mark Twain and the Mormons (OTish)
Re: Mark Twain and the Mormons (OTish) -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
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10/25/2004, 19:49:50
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As a resident of Salt Lake City, UT,  I often think about the similarities between the LDS (Mormon) religion (cult) and DLM EV (and whatever the next incarnation of the cult organization will be called). 

Both are demonstrative of the famous statement "A fool is born every moment."  Unfortunately, legitimacy is gained with time.  The LDS Church claims 8 million members worldwide and the shear magnitude of tithing required for full membership makes it unfathomably wealthy.  It is now considered a legitimate religion even though there is a mounting body of evidence disproving the claims of the Book of Mormon. 

Rawat and his minions already attempt to establish legitimacy based upon the length of time that the cult has been in existence, albeit using different organizational aliases.  I am sure that Rawat is envious of the well heeled mormons who follow their Prophet and the wealth which their fear and reward driven philosophy of tithing creates.  Rawat fails to employ after life rewards as a part of his deceptive ploy.

There are humanitarian efforts made by the LDS, but anything more than rudimentary examination quickly reveals that the massive amount of tithing dollars are falling into a black hole extremely similiar to the DLM EV coffers.

Fortunately, I do not see belief in the DLM EV cult continuing through families as a rule.  This will insure the short life of Rawatism when coupled with the deleterious effects of the life style exemplified by Rawat's corpulence.  His personal lack of self respect screams out from his own countenance.

Modified by RJC at Mon, Oct 25, 2004, 20:36:11

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