Rawat's Personal Financial Benefit from Elan Vital
Posted by:
Joe ®

10/23/2004, 13:37:14
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As John notes below, Elan Vital's website claims that Rawat doesn't receive any money or even any "benefit" from Elan Vital.  The supposed evidence for this is that it would be illegal for a non-profit like Elan Vital to do so.  Linda Gross has said the same.  These are, of course, bald-faced lies.

First of all, it's impossible for the public to know if the money Elan Vital collects from donations supports Prem Rawat's $40 million Gulfstream jet that he flies, or are used to maintain Rawat's Mailbu mansion, because Elan Vital has legally classified itself, not as a "non-profit," but as a "church," and is thus free from any kind of financial reporting, something mere "non-profits" are required to do.

Also, even though not legally required to do so, most legitimate churches actually do disclose there finances publicly, because they are legitimate operations, and aren't trying to hide anything.  What are Rawat's organizations trying to hide and why isn't that information disclosed if it so above board as EV suggests?  Why doesn't Elan Vital supply evidence for its assertions?

Second, as Mary Moore and others have reported from personal observations, EV covers many of Rawat's "expenses" which broadly include the Gulfstream jet, luxurious accommodations, servants on his plane, and God knows what else for which Rawat clearly "benefits."  No wonder EV isn't keen on letting the public, or even Rawat's devotees,  know about this.

Moreover, Elan Vital and Linda Gross just gloss over the millions Prem Rawat has personally received through the activities of Elan Vital, even if the money doesn't flow through Elan Vital's books.  Indeed, Elan Vital's fundraising to support Rawat's obscenely luxurious lifestyle are well known.  As just one example of many such activities, as one of Elan Vital's community coordinator employees, I was instructed on numerous occasions by the leadership of Elan Vital to announce at Elan Vital events that  Rawat's devotees should send Mr. Rawat money directly to his personal post office box in Malibu, California, and to bypass Elan Vital entirely, as Elan Vital was not supposed to be using its resources to "benefit" Prem Rawat personally, and Elan Vital needed to avoid the evidence of what it was doing.  There are many other examples of this kind of activity.

So, not only does Elan Vital now engage in personal attacks on people who criticize Prem Rawat, it also lies about where Prem Rawat got his money -- the money that is apparently available to him to "successfully invest."

Modified by Joe at Sat, Oct 23, 2004, 13:43:41

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