Maharaji on Antichrist
Posted by:
G. ®

10/22/2004, 19:12:09
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- Maharaji talking about the antichrist (November 1973, Houston, TX):

"So, ladies and gentlemen, this is the time. Just imagine me as a cowboy with guns pulled on you telling you to receive Knowledge. And you'd better. Imagine me like that, okay? Many people say, 'You are a fake. You are antichrist.' You know what I do? Give 'em a big smile. Because man, when antichrist comes on their heads, they won't know. He's going to be professional."

That's something I read at

I think this another great stupidity of M. for the following reasons:

  • "He's going to be professional": Is this a subconsious confession that M. himself is a fraud?
  • "Because man, when antichrist comes on their heads, they won't know.": How could they now if they would have been premies at first place and had "left no doubt in their minds"?
  • "You know what I do? Give 'em a big smile": What do you think would be Antichrist's reaction if someone told him he was Antichrist if not "a big smile"? (Of course I don't imply M. is THE Antichrist but for sure he is an Antichrist, i.e. whoever "plays" Christ is literally an antichrist).
  • "Just imagine me as a cowboy with guns pulled on you telling you to receive Knowledge. And you'd better. Imagine me like that, okay?": Sure it is not the law but his good heart that he does not do this. BUT! When he took an oath to establish peace on the earth there were only two ways to do this: a) to make the whole world follow him (something that seems not to be realised) b) to enforce people to follow him, i.e. become a cowboy!

Most important: by talking about Antichrist, Christ etc. and admitting that Antichrist is going to come in the future he puts himself between Christ and Antichrist. So, here we have an avatar or whatever before the Antichrist! Where is any such a reference or even an allusion in Bible (not the one I believe but the one HE took an oath on!)? On  the contrary, New Testament says that many pseudo-prophets will come before Antichrist and Christ will come AFTER all these... Some other new-age movements imply that Hitler was the Antichrist so its their Master time to come as the Christ we await for etc. etc... M. seems to be very stupid to think something like this.

A suggestion to M.: Stick to your tradition! Don't mess with Western tradition you are not good at it! You look like a fraud, or are you a professional and this is the reason I have not realised you are the Antichrist?

Best regards,


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  • Agreed (no text) --- Neville B ( Sat, Oct 23, 2004, 03:20:08 ) ( 0 bytes )