Re: Rawat's Training 24/7/99 - "You guys are a bunch of disgusting assholes."
Re: Rawat's Training 24/7/99 - "You guys are a bunch of disgusting assholes." -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

10/21/2004, 11:25:23
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Hi John,

More trainings transcribed gets my vote. Thank You for all your efforts and also to Cynthia & ofcourse everyone else for that matter. The real Prem Rawat is easier to see with all this.

I've got a question...There was a thread not to long ago where someone (I can't think who it was now) was working on the training transcripts and there was some talk about the pictures she was using that might be offensive. Do you or anyone know what happened to her and that thread? I looked but I just can't find it.

Needless to say... I think these training sessions reveal alot about Prem Rawat and his abusive cult.

Thanks Again, Hilltop

Modified by Hilltop at Thu, Oct 21, 2004, 11:31:45

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