Fruit & Nut
Re: He does credit Rawat -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/20/2004, 15:18:41
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The jolly currants and raisins nonsense ( us & them/   premie & non-premie/  enlightened & in darkness) is only the" Bait " . As usual the "Switch " is rather sinister.....did you see the link to " Terra " ( or Terror )..this appears to be a spaceship- end-of-the world cult and on their FAQS page they appear to be apologists for the Heavens Gate suicide cult.

I hope I am not annoying you all with this bizarre detour from Prem Rawat's cult but 30 years ago David Breathe (Willmott)  mixed his fruit and nuts with M & K and stalked victims. At least four people became physically ill  ( at least one hospitalised ) and more were harmed psychologically and emotionally.

I ran away from his "ashram " and never had any " closure ". I could never quite separate his game from Prem Rawats. Kind of double bait, double switch. While I remained devoted to PR  I couldn't really speak about this to anyone because to do so would have put PR in a bad light. How nice it is at last to unravel all these threads and begin to understand what really happened.

Thanks to Pat W. who put me in touch with another premie abused by this man, who has helped me to this point.. 

Like most abusers he still appears to be doing exactly the same thing.  

Modified by Lexy at Wed, Oct 20, 2004, 15:25:13

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