POV, Poseur, Wanker, Liar, Psuedo Intellectual, or just plain FRAUD
Posted by:
gerry ®

10/18/2004, 09:55:09
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Below Pissed-Off Vermin (POV,) pretends to have a scientific discussion with Dant about Astronomy, the Big Bang and the structure of the Universe.

But what he is really doing is cutting and pasting statements from other websites, without attribution and posting them as his own work.

Just like Rawat, he is a creep and a phony.

But you already knew that.

Is the Universe really infinite or just really big?

We have observations that say that the radius of curvature of the Universe is bigger than 70 billion light years. But the observations allow for either a positive or negative curvature, and this range includes the flat Universe with infinite radius of curvature. The negatively curved space is also infinite in volume even though it is curved. So we know empirically that the Universe is bigger than several times the observable Universe. Since we can only look at small piece of an object that has a large radius of curvature, it looks flat. The simplest mathematical model for computing the observed properties of the Universe is then flat Euclidean space. This model is infinite, but what we know about the Universe is that it is really big. I

Ooooh, I just read Dant's reply. He caught the faker out, too. LOL what a bunch of jerks the remaining toe-suckers are!

Related link: http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/cosmology_faq.html
Modified by gerry at Mon, Oct 18, 2004, 10:08:36

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