Re: Saint Bob speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Saint Bob speaks! -- POV Top of thread Forum
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#9 ®

10/06/2004, 18:03:43
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As Bob Michler said in his interview - "At the time, what I had planned for him and with him, and up to the middle of 1976 he was largely agreeing with, was to use a lot of the money that had come to him in the form of gifts from his followers, to set up some investments. This would enable him to become financially independent from the continued support of the devotees". Undoubtedly that plan was executed and for many years he has, with expert help, continued to prosper and support himself and his family as a private investor.

So Maharaji has received no "gifts" from premies since 1976?  There have been no fundraising events for him, no darshan lines, no seat sales at events since then?  IMHO Maharaji has been soaking his devotees in the West since 1971.

You want some more quotes from St. Bob's radio interview?  How about these:

He had grown accustomed to a very luxurious lifestyle. A lot of the necessity of keeping the members believing that he was God was to ensure that they would continue to support him in this lifestyle. If it meant that he was going to have to make any sacrifices in this lifestyle (and it had become apparent by the middle of 1976 that this was going to be the case) then he didn't really want to have to do that.

I'd see Maharaji go through a tremendous psychological deterioration during the time that I lived with him. These things were, I felt, his private affairs on one level. I also felt that the premies' beliefs were their own private affairs on another level.

I don't know what his personal worth is, but you would have to say that he is a rich man. That might sound a bit ambiguous, but his whole financial condition is a bit ambiguous, because he has so much of his wealth being provided for him by the Church.

He has a great deal of income that comes to him in the tax-free form of gifts from his followers. How he uses that; well, when I was there, he was spending it. It was just amazing how much money he could spend.

Even though he was supposedly revealing the means to perfect peace to all of his following, he himself had tremendous problems of anxiety which he combated with alcohol. It even developed into a high blood pressure condition caused by essential hypertension, which is a form of internalising anxiety. So here was a man who was supposedly revealing perfect peace to everyone else, and I figured he couldn't even guide his own life, let alone guide others.


Host: He has several sports cars, I understand, I mean people gave him things.

Bob: Yes, and he also had the Divine Light Mission buy him things. Whenever he wanted something, it really didn't matter whether we had the money for it or not. We were to get it, somehow or another.


Caller #5: I think that it's possible to be sincere, but it's also possible to be sincerely wrong, as he is proving very well this morning.

Bob: I don't think that it's as simple as being sincerely wrong. One thing you don't have the capacity to do, except through your own faith, is to put Jesus to the test. In your faith, you can do that. With the premies, the members of the Divine Light Mission, they can in fact put Maharaji to the test because he is here.

They tend to rationalise everything that he does. I lived with him and I saw him as he actually is, not as he is staged to be. In doing that, I saw that he isn't what he purports himself to be. To that extent, I don't even think that he is sincerely wrong, I think that he is deliberately deceiving people.

How about them apples POV?

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Modified by #9 at Thu, Oct 07, 2004, 09:30:58

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