Yes, imagine the article in Forbes or Fortune
Re: Re: Yes, POV, do tell! Imagine the article in Forbes or Fortune -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
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10/06/2004, 17:39:08
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Forbes: Mr Rawat, take us back to your early beginnings a bit and tell us how you started your, say, first investment portfolio."

Mr R: When I first came to the west, I had very little but people generously supported me.
After a while, we realised that I couldn't remain dependent on my supporters for ever, so in about 1976 we started using the money I had been given to develop a series of investments to make me financially independent.
I have been independent ever since.

Forbes: "Mr. Rawat, please tell us how you obtained your first jet aircraft?  Is was a B707, if my notes are correct.  And please describe the typical employee of -- excuse me -- oh here it is -- the name of the company was DECA.  Yes, describe those employees for me."

Mr R: DECA was created in the late 70s to refurbish a used Boeing 707 to provide transportation for me and Élan Vital personnel. Many premies from around the world gave of their time and skills on this project for very little money and/or modest support. However, nobody was a slave laborer.
For example, Cynthia Gracie, who has been very critical of me on the internet says of her time at DECA, "I was a bliss bunny while I was there. I loved it".
I know she was very upset when she had to leave.

Forbes: "Mr. Rawat, your home in Malibu has been renovated several times.  Just how did you get those contractors to work so cheaply?  You must have had some real low-ball bidders!  Can you explain for our readers how you accomplished that?"

Mr R: Much of the unskilled labor was provided by volunteers. We couldn't have done it without them. Many would come for a few weeks each year like a working holiday, others might work one day a week. It was a great atmosphere.

Forbes: Could you tell us about your primary interest. You have been talking about a peace that is within each person for nearly forty years and have taught hundreds of thousands of people to experience this free of charge. How many people do you reach via satellite, DVD, video, personal appearances etc.

Mr R: Hundred of thousands and it continues to grow.


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