On the Importance of Remembering the Past
Posted by:
San ®

10/05/2004, 12:40:35
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Something was mentioned in a post about this Forum and its regulars being looked upon as a mixture of  'hate group', mentally sick people, drug addicts, and worse.  And you know what?  From the point of total ignorance of the facts and the history, just from looking at the posts without the archives and the documented EVIDENCE to back it all up, it does look strange for a group of people to be negatively fixated on a person who has claimed to be doing nothing for the past thirty-something years but spreading peace in the world, person by person with Knowledge, and amassing a fortune with his business savvy.

The component that makes it all make sense is the very stuff that Prem wanted collected and destroyed years ago and still doesHe wants to erase the past, our past, our lives, and rewrite history with him as the hero and us as the ingrates who betrayed him, when in the Reality we lived and remember and have proof of, it is more the other way around.

Therefore, it is imperative that we individually and collectively remember, gather, document and archive what really happened.  We need to use the ancient oral tradition that Prem would not allow, that we tell the stories to each other and our offspring and passersby.  We need to do this not only to have as evidence that Prem did what he did and so did his associates who he should have kept on much shorter leashes or not let them out at all, but we need to be able to show to whoever wants to see, the facts and the events and the truth about what really went down all these years of our lives, and in doing so will disarm the argument that we are a 'hate group' or mental or on drugs.  If he succeeded in eradicating all the evidence that helped to shape our feelings and attitudes, then he would have succeeded in making us look like what he describes us as. 

We are not a hate group: rather, we are a hated group, hated by someone who himself has shown hatred towards us by both action and lack thereof, who has behaved 'mental' in front of witnesses on more than one occasion, and who has been on drugs himself.

Remembering the past validates our present feelings and attitudes.  It proves that our cause is just, that women's and children's welfare come before his public relations image, that we all would much rather be doing other things in our lives, but are almost compelled to participate here for the good of anyone, even a stranger, who might be weighing their options about following Prem Rawat.  I don't call that hate.  I call that responding to a deep call to a responsibility that transcends personal circumstances, for the Common Good.  That does not sound like a hate group to me.  I think it takes courage to participate here when we all know what has happened to some others who did alot less.  This is unconditional love and concern for fellow human beings, not hate directed at an individual.  If Prem does not like what is being said about him here, maybe he ought to ask himself why these things are being said, and maybe take a walk around himself before he calls us any more inaccurate names.  

I say bless him, bless those who curse me, for that will free me from the negative energy loop and allow me to speak the truth without getting into personal energy loops with the entity and be able to stay on point. 

Just the facts, ma'am.



So I say don't live in the past, but by golly, remember it.

'Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'  -don't know who said it

Modified by San at Tue, Oct 05, 2004, 13:28:14

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